Flute - can be crafted by combining a breeze rod and an Oxisidized Copper End - a new item found in decoration pots inside the trial chambers.
Spectral Flute - Can be crafted by combining a flute, blaze powder and glowstone dust. When played, all entities within 24 blocks of the player will be highlighted with the glowing effect. The user will recieve night vision for a short duration.
Wither Flute - Can be crafted by combining a flute, soul soil and wither roses. When Played, entities standing in front of the player will recieve the wither effect. The person playing the flute will take instant damage as well, however, will also recieve regeneration in relation to the amount of entities caught in the flute's range.
Heavy Flute - Can be crafted by combining a flute and a heavy core. When played, all wardens within a short distance around the player will instantly burrow back into the ground. Best used when necassary, as it's cooldown is by far the longest.
Wind Flute - Can be crafted by combining a flute, wind charges and three diamonds. When Played, the flute will summon a temporary wind platform infront of the user, allowing them to cover very large gaps if used correctly, while leaving no trace behind.
Oxidized Copper Ingot - Just a nice little thing ^^.
Flute Stand - Can be crafted using an oxidized copped ingot and three tuff brick slabs. Used to display all flute types in your world!
Squall Block - Can be obtained by using a wind flute, and throwing a wind charge at the squall block it had summoned. after doing so, every squall block placed down by hand can be broken normally with your hand.
Gust Block - Can be obtained in the same way as the squall block, but only has a 50% chance to be dropped on initial wind charge explotion. The gust block is wholly dependent on the existance of a squall block connected to either to it or to other gust blocks touching it, simillar to the scaffolding block's dependence on a grounded block, but with a reach of 14 blocks instead.
Feel free to use the mod in modpacks.
Feel also free to use it in videos and whatnot, I'm like pretty sure I need to state this for copyright reasons and I didn't know that till just now. M'bad team.
Hope you enjoy your time with it!
Clarinet sfx provided by SampleFocus.