Forgotten Graves

Forgotten Graves


Minecraft (Fabric) mod that stores items and XP in a decaying grave upon death

Client and server CursedDecorationGame MechanicsStorageUtility

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Supports Minecraft versions: 1.20-1.20.4


  • Added a configuration option to determine the merge order when retrieving graves. You're able to pick from two options: GRAVE and CURRENT.
    • GRAVE will result in the inventory returning to what it was before you died, and then merging in any items you had while retrieving the grave.
    • CURRENT will result in the items in your grave being merged into the inventory you currently have while retrieving the grave.


  • The merge code now tries to fill empty equipment slots with previously equipped gear from both inventories (respecting merge order).
  • When retrieving graves, items will now be consolidated into existing stacks within the base inventory (respecting NBT tags).
  • Custom models will now use the same collision box as the default models to prevent issues between the client and server disagreeing about collision.
  • The method of identifying loaded resource packs and their load order has been improved.
  • Updated translations en_us.json and es_mx.json.


  • Fixed an issue causing unintentional block placement when retrieving graves (#112).


Supports Minecraft versions: 1.20-1.20.4


  • Added support for the Forgotten Graves Redefined resource pack. Here are some of the things that now happen:
    • Player names and custom text shows up on the models properly.
    • The outline shape changes to match the custom models.
    • The player skull shifts slightly away from the tombstone.


  • The config option maxStageTimeSeconds now respects waxed graves (#110).
  • Trinket items that fail to find an appropriate slot whilst equipping are now placed in your main inventory.
  • After a grave is placed, any items remaining in the player inventory should now drop on the ground.
    • The goal with this change is to drop any items the code may have missed on the ground, rather than just destroying them.


  • Updated en_us.json and ru_ru.json translations thanks to mpustovoi (#109)!
  • Updated es_mx.json translation; let me know if there's any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker, thanks!
  • Grave item models should now look better in first person, third person, and in item frames.


Supports Minecraft versions: 1.20-1.20.4

This version adds a lot of changes to the config and its GUI, as such, please reset and reconfigure the mod if you run into any issues. If that doesn't solve your issue, please report the issue on GitHub, thanks!


  • Added new config options to configure the chance a grave will decay for each stage of decay (#77).
  • Added new config options to configure the min and max amount of seconds a grave stays in each stage (#77).
    • You can set the max amount of seconds to 0 to disable the feature.
  • Added new config options to toggle whether graves can replace or sink through blocks (#108).
  • Added a new Disable Graves effect that will prevent graves from spawning for any player affected by it (#89).


  • The configuration GUI has been segmented into different categories (located at the top of the config GUI).
  • Configuration option values are now better validated to ensure no invalid values are provided.


  • Graves will no longer replace torches (#106).
  • The do_not_replace tag now supersedes the replaceable tag; blocks found within both will not be replaced (#107).


Supports Minecraft versions: 1.20-1.20.4


  • You can now prevent graves from spawning in PvP via the disableInPvP config setting (#105).
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) translation, thanks demorogabrtz!

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago