


A tool for generating NBT areas or JSON advancement areas.

Server ManagementUtility

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Use this tool to generate NBT areas or JSON advancement areas.

Examples of areas

NBT: [x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=0,dy=0,dz=0]
JSON: "position":{"x": {"min":-529,"max":4},"y":{"min":3,"max":106},"z":{"min":3,"max":112}}

This makes the pain-stacking time it takes to write all the numbers down a lot easier.

How to use

Step 1

  • chose an area. Example, my area is between the diamond blocks
  • Also get yourself a gold axe and make sure you are in creative mode
  • Make sure either you have the mod for your single-player world or that the server has it Area exempel

Step 2

  • left-click one of the corner blocks First click on cornor

Step 3

  • Right-click the other corner block Click on the other cornor

Step 4

  • Now write /format json or /format nbt to get the formated message.
  • To copy it, press the message in the chat last

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Nearly all my mods are opensource and under MIT. If you want to help the development, check out the GitHub!

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 days ago
Updated 6 days ago