


A highly configurable reimagining of how you acquire the eyes of ender in order to find the stronghold and light its portal.

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Made as a part of Legacies, aiming to completely reimagine modded Minecraft while upholding these same unique, vanilla-style design principles. If you like Legacies and Legends, I highly recommend you check it out!

Fractured is a highly-configurable, simple overhaul of the process in which eyes of ender are acquired, targeting both users and modpack developers.

Inspired by End Remastered, Fractured approaches end progression rebalancing - aiming to encourage exploration to collect the eyes and lengthen the journey to the stronghold and end dimension whilst preserving the unique requirements to craft ender eyes present in vanilla. With Fractured Eyes found from most vanilla structures whilst exploring, Fractured provides a straightforward approach to its rebalancing of Eyes of Ender acquisition.

  • Collect Fractured Eyes found throughout structures

  • Repair them into Eyes of Ender

  • Travel to the Stronghold and complete the portal

A Fractured Eye must be repaired into an Eye of Ender by combining it with an Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder, in order to progress to the End Dimension. Upon reaching the End dimension, you may alternatively use Chorus Fruit, rather than repairing a Fractured Eye in the recipe.

The chance of a Fractured Eye spawning in each structure is easily configurable through the text-based config file, and you can additionally toggle whether or not stronghold frames can generate with ender eyes.

The complete list of default config settings is shown below. Chances are in %, out of 100. Setting a chance to 0 will disable the eyes spawning in that structure entirely, and setting a chance to 100 will guarantee one spawn per chest.

    "generate_eyes_in_frames": true,
    "stronghold_eye_chance": 5,
    "abandoned_mineshaft_eye_chance": 20,
    "desert_pyramid_eye_chance": 15,
    "jungle_temple_eye_chance": 20,
    "nether_fortress_eye_chance": 15,
    "shipwreck_eye_chance": 5,
    "igloo_eye_chance": 25,
    "dungeon_eye_chance": 20,
    "woodland_mansion_eye_chance": 10,
    "pillager_outpost_eye_chance": 5,
    "bastion_remnant_eye_chance": 5,
    "ocean_ruins_eye_chance": 5,
    "ruined_portal_eye_chance": 5,
    "ancient_city_eye_chance": 5,
    "buried_treasure_eye_chance": 20

Additionally, Fractured adds a new advancement granted upon discovering your first Fractured Eye - "And So It Begins", which also grants the player the crafting recipe for Eyes of Ender to their recipe books.

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Licensed Legacy License
Published a month ago
Updated a month ago