Added a flag system EntryFlag to ValidatedField and ConfigAction. Currently only has one flag REQUIRES_WORLD. A field marked with REQUIRES_WORLD marks that the player needs to be in-game for the setting to work properly. The config screen will show Not in Game instead of the setting, when not in game.
Added ofDynamicKey builder methods to ValidatedIdentifier. Use of ofRegistryKey for non-synced dynamic registries (Loot registries, or modded dynamic registries that don't sync, primarily) is now deprecated and will log a warning. ofDynamicKey handles synchronization of predicated registry lists more robustly.
Added zh_tw translations
ValidatedIdentifier now automatically applies REQUIRES_WORLD to validation for dynamic registries, which require the world to be loaded. They will now not be available out of game.
Validation wrappers (lists, ValidatedCondition, etc.) will inherit their delegates flags automatically
ConfigActions based on ClickAction.RUN_COMMAND or ClickAction.SUGGEST_COMMAND now automatically apply REQUIRES_WORLD
ValidatedIdentifier without validation no longer tries to "force" you to use the minecraft namespace in the text box
Enums revert to their proper default when automatically validated (plain field in the config)
ValidatedIdentifier.ofRegistryKey now works properly with the three types of tables that apparently aren't in the normal dynamic registry manager (loot, functions, predicates)
ValidatedMaps have better popup error reporting
Error catching overall improved
Fixed class-level @Translation negation not being respected
ValidatedAny recognizes and prioritizes Translatable entries like normal config settings do