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Fixed the crush for the reason of that I forgot to add joml dependencies to build process.

  • Delete the recipe type of Danmaku Table.
  • Add a new biome: Nameless Hill to Gensokyo dimension. Player will get infinite posion effect when walking into this biome 2
  • Add a giant light beam render effect when shooting Master Spark using Marisa's Hakkeiro.

Fixed the NullPointerException when put less than 4 items to the crafting slots of Sorcery Extractor block. Now all the recipes work well.

  • Modified the functions of Hakurei Gohei. Press alt and scroll the mouse to select the Gohei's mode. It allows player to release Dream Seal entity to fight with enermies under "Dream Seal" mode.
  • Dream Seal entity will track the nearest target and then fly to it to cause damage when hit.
  • Modified the models of IshiZakura.
  • Fixed the server crushed error when summoning Remilia and other entities extends from YoukaiEntity using spawn eggs.
  • Rewrite the laser renderer. Now the laser will look like a long and slim cube with customable colors like below: New Apearence of the Laser with Custom Colors
  • Fixed the generate position of each structure piece of Scarlet Devil Mansion. Now the house pieces, garden pieces and dungeon pieces will generate at correct positions.
  • Scarlet Devil Mansion can summon two bosses - Remilia Scarlet and Flanre Scarlet now. But only Flandre has boss battle AI.
  • Add a new structure - Alice House to Magic Forest biome.
  • Add three spell cards of Koishi Komeiji and happy Koishi Day!
  • Add the dungeon under Scarlet Devil Mansion and gardens around it.
  • Fixed the recipe serialization problem. Now player can normally enter server side world and using Sorcery Extract recipe without throwing malformed byte exception.
  • Fixed the bug when server side tries to call client side methods.
  • Add the garden around Scarlet Devil Mansion structure(Unfinished).

Scarlet Devil Mansion Structure

This version add the natural generation of a large structure - Scarlet Devil Mansion in Gensokyo dimension! You can find it in Scarlet Devil Mansion Precincts biome. Scarlet Devil Mansion(Koumakan)

Danmaku Edit System Available!

  1. To make a custom spell card, you have to prepare these things:
  • Vector3D Builder * 1
  • Danmaku Builder * 1
  • Constance Builder * 2
  • Static Func Invoker * 1
  • Spell Card Console * 1
  • Scripted Spell Card * 1

2. Next, right click Constance Builder, Vector3D Builder and Danmaku Builder to open the edit GUI to assign necessary values. Don't forget to insert item to the container's slot and click the Save button. Attention that you should use float type to create speed and inaccuracy constance. The Speed of the Projectile Inaccuracy Value Determines the Shoot Direction

Danmaku Type And Color 3. After that, you have to right click Static Func Invoker to open its edit GUI and put those items IN THE CORRECT ORDER. For instance of this shoot function, you have to put Danmaku Builder to the 1st slot, Vector3D Builder to the 2nd. The 3rd and 4th slot is for Constance Builder, but the value in the Constance Builder in the 3rd slot determines the speed of the danmaku, while the value of the 4th determines the inaccuracy.

IN CORRECT ORDER! 4. Save the invoker's data and open the Spell Card Console block's edit GUI, put your Static Func Invoker to any of the slot in it, and put the Scripted Spell Card to the output slot. Now you can click the Save button to store data in the Scripted Spell Card. And you can also click Copy button to paste the data in Json format to your clipboard if the Scripted Spell Card has required tag. Save Data to Spell Card

Copy to Clipboard 5. Finally, have fun with your custom damaku show and look forward to more supported functions in the future update!Demo

New Biome: Untrodden Valley

This biome is decorated by maple trees, ginkgo trees, zelkova trees and theirs defoliation piles. Untrodden Valley will generate around Youkai Mountain biome.

Add Sorcery Extractor Recipe Type

  • Fixed the problems of the sorcery extractor recipe serializer registry and modified the logics of sorcery extractor tile entity to match the recipe. Now datapack maker can use "gensokyoontology:sorcery_extract" in recipe json file to add sorcery extractor recipe and use it in game.
  • Also, I add JEI integreration of sorcery extractor recipe. Now player can look for the crafting recipes on Sorcery Extractor through JEI.

Attention: if your sorcery extractor recipe has less than 4 ingredients, you should write {"item":"minecraft:air"} like:

  "type": "gensokyoontology:sorcery_extract",
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "your_data_pack:your_ingredient"
      "item": "your_data_pack:your_ingredient"
      "item": "your_data_pack:your_ingredient"
      "item": "minecraft:air"
  "output": {
    "item": "your_data_pack:your_output",
    "count": 1

DO NOT MISS TO WRITE LESS THAN 4 BRACKETS IN INGREDIENTS ARRAY. Otherwise the game will crush and throw NullPointerException.

New Entity: Haniwa.

Now player can craft Haniwa Block on Sorcery Extractor. By right clicking Haniwa Block every day, player can increase the faith point. When Haniwa Block recived enough faith point it will turned into a lively being to help you combat.

Changed the generation of the magic tree features in Magic Forest biome. Now magic trees will have a large canopy and a strange-shaped trunk.

Delete the spell card serializer registry. Now the server can successfully load the mod.

Add more danmaku shapes to fairies.

  1. Introduced XMMUI as an interal and experimental use. XMMUI is a framework that helps modders to use XML document to create Minecraft GUI.
  2. Add Reimu Hakurei, Remilia Scarlet and Komeiji Koishi.
  3. Add walking animations to some of the Touhou characters.
  4. Modified spell card Hell Sign "Hell Eclipse". Now the fake lunar would surround the center if the spell card is released.
  5. Add more spell cards.
  • Add laser entity to Minecraft. Now lasers can be used in spell card behaviors.
  • Add recipes and loot tables to push the process of the game. Now player can craft Hakurei Gohei to shoot yin-yang orbs.
  • Add Saisen Box to Minecraft which when you toss enough silver coins into it, you will be blessed by Hakurei Reimu that makes you immune to the bloody mist.
  • Fixed the errors on server. Now server side can successfully start to run.
  • Removed the generation of Dragon Sphere Ore becuase I am figuring out a way to force it to generate in Gensokyo only.
  • Fixed the severe bug when player try to go through the first-placed gap that had no secondary gap bounding to it, the game will crush and throw Null Pointer Exception. Now if player only place one gap block, the game will not try to teleport him as he go through it.
  • Fixed the problem that sometimes the Occult Ball can't teleport player to Gensokyo dimension. Now the game will create a safe zone for player if the teleported position in Gensokyo is not air.
  • Add the natural generation of Jade Ore and Draggon Sphere Ore.

Now players can place gap block at two different positions to quickly teleport from one gap to the another. Cross-dimensional teleport supported!

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Licensed LGPL-2.1-only
Published a year ago
Updated 20 days ago