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- Block-breaking mechanics have been rewritten to improve reliability.
- Chestbursters and DNA now properly kill the player, even with armor equipped.
- Gigeresque damage sources bypass armor, applying direct damage.
- Chestbursters will no longer follow entities incorrectly after bursting.
- Corrected the spin behavior so that held entities appropriately aligned.
- Dungeon containers will now generate loot correctly and are no longer empty.
- Bursters will now properly flee when they are in danger.
- Aliens will use claw attacks instead of tail attacks in water.
- When infected by DNA, random damage is now applied to all armor pieces.
- Chest armor takes additional random damage when exposed to impregnation or spores.
- All adverse Gigeresque status effects are immune to milk-based removal.
- Updated dungeon-finding descriptions in the game’s language files.
- Improved fire-fleeing behavior for facehuggers.
- Fixed Aqua Xeno speed both in water and on land, ensuring smoother movement.
- Aqua Xenos will no longer hop unnaturally when on land.
- Runner Xenos speed is now fully optimized.
- Rewrote the panic system for better functionality and smoother execution.
- Spawns triggered by breaking the seal only appear behind the player.
- Spawns will no longer occur near nests or inside dungeons.
- Nesting will no longer happen within dungeons.
- Attack ranges have been rebalanced, leading to more frequent damage output.
- Fixes Pandora's box effect causing TPS lag.
- Rework how loot is dropped from suspicious sand
- Rework how Black Fluid replaces blocks
- Fixes acid and goo blood stuttering movement when falling.
- More petrified objects have been found.
- Fixed Transparency of Stalkers when stalking.
- Stalkers shadows are now removed when stalking.
- Spitters spit will randomly place acid near the target as well.
- Added new dungeon blocks.
- Dungeon blocks will now emit a mist effect at -50 and lower.
- Changed the lang name of Sinous to Sinuous.
- Fixes eggs not opening when hit.
- Updates dungeon loot tables with new items.
- Adjusted Aqua spawn egg colors.
- Fixes black fluid replacing flowing fluid.
- All dev entities are now properly added to needed tags.
- Fixes Advancement not triggering for Surgery Kit properly on mobs.
- Fixes Advancement not triggering for first spawn from breaking the seal.
- Fixes Advancement not triggering properly on getting facehugged.
- Add new advancements for trying to use a bottle/bucket acid/goo blood and trying to use a bucket on a Xeno.
- Move Spitters out of Dev config.
- Demon Xenos only show in creative menu if HWG is installed.
- Rework how resin web works, that allow you to walk through it slowly but if you are in too long, you will be trapped.
- Xenos that are in stasis won't trigger on LoS now.
- Sound triggering is not triggered if you are more then 5 blocks from the mob and sneaking, any closer will always trigger.
- Fixes Xenos hands/legs moving when in stasis.
- Added Swim Animations to Runnerbuster.
- Added Swim Animations to Stalker.
- Added Swim Animations to Hammerpede.
- Added Swim Animations to Popper.
- Increased max size of dungeons from 15 pieces to 20.
- Spitters now spawn at 50% size (only spawns from naturally generating ones, spawn eggs are at 100%) and will grow in size over time.
- Added Dev debug item, just only use is for Gigeresque dungeon builders. Will have no use in game outside of that.
- Fixed spawn eggs causing Neo Adolescent to instantly become an Adult Neo.
- Updated Neo Adolescent to new model.
- Neomorph Adolescent now grows into a larger size before becoming the Adult Neomorph.
- Added new dungeon block.
- Updated block and entity names to new system, no longer using normal Xenomorph names.
- Update Dungeon pieces with Beacon blocks instead of Sea Lanterns.
- Fixes rotation on stasis (this one has been a PITA).
- Add block breaking progress to Acid.
- Allow lower time on facehugging.
- Adds Hell Burster stage
- HWG installed will allow Hell morphs to beappear if it's techno demons are facehugged.
- Spores will not spawn if the tile beneath is not solid.
- Fixes Sitting Idle back clipping into any blocks behind it.
- Neoburster now grows into a larger size before becoming the Neomorph Adolescent.
- Egg morphing tweaked (saves cord of placed nests to alien to go back to later)
- Implement Baphomorph animations.
- Update mod icon.
- Make petrified objects break slower.
- Make petrified objects emit stone noises when walked on/hit.
- Acid spitting redone for Spitters, uses projectile that be dodge now and increased damage.
- Spores no longer replace leaves, spore blossoms, and glow lichen.
- Fixes Facehugger head placement for odd angles.
- Fixes Facehugger only hunting via sound cues.
- Fixes Surgery Kit killing on full durability.
- Implemented new Neoburster model/animations.
- Added Dungeon Tracker item with model/animations.
- Implemented new Aquatic Alien animations.
- Add a pandora config for the babies that can't handle spawns.
- Fixes Animations on Stalker.
- Fixes Animations on Runners
- Updates Runners run animation.
- Updates Swimming animations on Aquas.
- Updates Hammerpede for proper animations.
- Implemented new Neomorph Adolescent animations.
- Implemented new Neomorph animations fixes.
- Implemented Hell Morph animations.
- Implemented Ravenous Templebeast animations.
- Implemented Moonlight Horror Templebeast animations.
- Implemented Draconic Templebeast animations.
- Fixed black blood from mutants not having gravity.
- Stasis animation added for Neomorph.
- Updated Creative Tab icons.
- Updated Sitting Idol Blocks holding item.
- Reduced max size of dungeons from 20 to 15.
- Implemented better Tunnel crawling logic for Classic Xeno.
- Reworked damage formula for damage from large amounts.
- Fixed crop breaking happening at long ranges.
- Fixed light breaking happening at long ranges.
- Surgery Kits now only remove the impregnation effect, not all effects.
- Fixed spore blocks mining timing.
- Set a max of 9000 ticks for impregnation time.
- Trauma now properly restores health back to full when finished.
- Moved eggs out of dev config now that animations are in and basic logic is in place.
- Acid now eats faster.
gigeresque-fabric-1.21.1-0.8.0.jar(3.32 MiB) Primary Download
Licensed CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated 4 days ago