Gluttonous Journey

Gluttonous Journey


A mod that adds some endgame food items into the game, as well as bosses such as the Demon of Gluttony. Defeat the demon and make the world at peace from gluttony.

Client and server CursedEquipmentFoodUtility

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Gluttonous Journey has been archived. Gluttonous Journey will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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This mod is no longer being maintained since I lost the files to this mod a while ago

A mod that adds Endgame items and foods. Meant to be used after beating the Ender Dragon.

This mod adds some endgame food items that give various effects to you when eaten. This also adds other weaponry, blocks, gems, and miscellaneous items to help you throughout your adventure. This mod also adds it's own boss monsters into the game. Each with their summoning altar that can be crafted.

There are currently only two Boss monsters within this mod and one other Mini-Boss. These are human-like monsters with a custom skin on them. Each Boss Monsters drops their designated weapon they hold and can be used to further game progression.

The goal of this mod is to beat Beelzebub, Demon of Gluttony and rid him from this blocky world. Upon beating him you get his personal scythe he uses against you in battle.

Project members

Kade's Collection

Kade's Collection



Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago