Grass Bombs is a small quality of life mod that just adds in a new array of items, stemming from the Grass Bomb!
If a Grass bomb hits a block after being thrown, all the dirt blocks in a small 3-cube radius with a non-solid block on top of them will convert into grass blocks.
This provides a much quicker method than rather waiting for the dirt to slowly be converted to grass by nearby blocks.
Grass bombs have 3 other variants, Path, Podzol, and Mycelium bombs. Their recipes all can be unlocked via breaking the blocks used in their recipes or the respective bomb's block itself. The recipes are also shown below:
Grass Bombs
Path Bombs
Podzol Bombs
Mycelium Bombs
Feel free to use this mod for modpacks! I do not permit anyone to reupload this mod onto any other website without my permission. Please report any project not following this guideline towards me. Any other questions you may ask me directly through the discord link.