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Gravity Pads

Just a simple Gravity Pad mod.


Pushing Gravity Pads (Orange) sets your gravity to the direction it's facing, while Pulling Gravity Pads (Purple) sets your gravity to the direction its facing away from (Think of it as pulling).

Directional Gravity Pad/Block allow you to choose the direction that the gravity will go by targeting the edge of a block when placing. Targeting center of the block will place a "towards" directional pad/block (signified by the + sign, the gravity direction is towards to player). Sneak placing will invert the direction you are placing. Placing targeting the center of the block while sneaking will result in an "away" directional pad/block (signified by a â—¼ square, the gravity direction is away from the player). You can also rotate it using a wrench (configurable) using the side you right click as rotation axis.

The mod also comes with anti-softlock. It triggers when you are 64 blocks above the block height limit (configurable) and will reverse your gravity back to normal (configurable).



Pulling Gravity Pad Recipe Thin Pulling Gravity Pad Recipe


Pushing Gravity Pad Recipe Thin Pushing Gravity Pad Recipe


Directional Gravity Pad Recipe Thin Directional Gravity Pad Recipe Directional Gravity Block Recipe

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago