Hammers and Smithing

Hammers and Smithing


Modifies smithing, brings additional requirements for crafting and mining, and adds new tools, armors, smithing recipes and more

Client and server EquipmentGame Mechanics

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Requires Fabric API

Requires Cloth Config

Requires Crafting Manipulator

Forge: Requires Sinytra Connector

This mod modifies smithing, brings additional requirements for crafting and mining and adds new tools, armors, smithing recipes and more

Material changes:

  • Added copper items

  • Added golden items which are better than iron items (vanilla golden items are still obtainable)

  • Changed durability of: wooden, stone and vanilla golden tools

  • Changed damage of: wooden, stone and iron tools

  • Changed mining levels:

    • copper is mineable with stone pickaxe, iron with copper pickaxe, gold with iron etc.


  • Used for smithing

  • Can also be used as a weapon:

    • Deals more damage than sword, but less than axe
    • Has the lowest attack speed of all tools
    • Can hit many targets with one hit (like sword)
    • Attacking slows enemy down for a short time

Smithing Tables:

  • Can be used to upgrade your gear:

    • for example copper items can be reinforced with iron nuggets
  • There are four smithing tables: copper, iron, golden and diamond

  • Vanilla smithing table is disabled

  • Netherite items can be crafted with Diamond Smithing Table

Blocked recipes:

  • Tools and armors are uncraftable until you place appropriate smithing table near crafting table.

  • These smithing tables are expensive so you will have to collect many ingots and diamonds before you will be able to craft diamond tools.


  • Changed trade offers for toolsmith, weaponsmith and armorer

  • Villagers sell golden items instead of diamond

  • Villagers sell copper items


  • Changed loot from some chests (replaced iron items with golden in late game chests and nerfed early game chests)

  • Zombies and skeletons don't spawn with golden armor

  • Wither skeletons spawn with iron swords


Config file can be accessed through Mod Menu

Config file name: hammersandtables.json5

Smithing recipes:


Copper Smithing Table:

Copper item + X* Iron Nuggets --(Copper Hammer or better)--> Reinforced Copper item

Reinforced Copper item + Iron ingot --(Iron Hammer or better)--> Upgraded Copper item

Iron Smithing Table:

All previous recipes and:

Iron item + X Gold Nuggets --(Iron Hammer or better)--> Reinforced Iron item

Reinforced Iron item + Gold Ingot --(Golden Hammer or better)--> Upgraded Iron item

Golden Smithing Table:

All previous recipes and:

Golden item + Diamond --(Golden Hammer or better)--> Reinforced Golden item

Diamond Smithing Table:

All previous recipes and:

Diamond item + Netherite ingot --(Diamond Hammer or better)--> Netherite item

*X - number of nuggets depends on recipe

Smithing Recipes from other mods:

All smithing recipes require hammer.

Required smithing table and hammer is specified in recipe, so smithing recipes from other mods will work on any smithing table with any hammer (unless someone adds compatibility)


May be incompatible with mods that:

  • add/change trade offers for vanilla villagers
  • change mining levels


  • Addition count, required smithing table and required hammer can be changed with datapacks
  • If a recipe does not specify addition count, it is set to 1
  • If a recipe does not specify table tier*, it is set to 0 (smithing recipe works on all smithing tables)
  • If a recipe does not specify hammer tier, it is set to 0 (recipe works with any hammer)

*1 - copper, 2 - iron, 3 - gold, 4 - diamond

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Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 4 months ago