NOW A FABRIC MOD Hardcore Torches makes torches and lanterns temporary, and now campfires as well! You place them and they burn out eventually.
By default, torches last 40 minutes, and cannot be moved once placed. Lanterns last 3x as long, are currently filled with coal, and can be moved around. Campfires are lit by fuel items for 8x the amount of time that the item would burn in a furnace.
You can configure:
how long they last
if you can pick them up again once placed down
if they extinguish in the rain
if they are crafted pre-lit or must be lit with flint and steel
among others
Tag Configuration: Some configuration options must now be done through tags. You can make a datapack, or add items to tags through a mod like CraftTweaker. The tags are:
Blocks: hardcore_torches:blocks/free_torch_light_blocks - Blocks you can right click with a torch to light the torch
Items: Item tags are 3 parts: consume, damage, free - whether the item will be consumed, durability damaged, or not affected. torch, lantern - whether this tag applies to torches or lanterns. light, extinguish, smother - light lights the block, smother makes it smoldering, extinguish makes it unlit. Currently, lantern only has light.
Example: hardcore_torches:items/damage_torch_light_items - Items which take damage to light a torch (Flint and Steel)
I plan on adding many more features. Some include:
Candles which also burn out
Different qualities of torches for modded coals
Torch Bandolier which condenses torches for easy placement
More configuration options
And more