ibarn's quartet origins addon

ibarn's quartet origins addon


This is an addon for the Origins mod which adds in four new origins

Client and server

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Ver. 1.4.9:

  • Changed the Soul Fire Ball charge up and fire sounds (now sound more fiery than electric)
  • Slightly reduced range of Soul Fire Ball charge up and fire sounds
  • Fixed a potential crash with soul fire / burning

Ver. 1.4.8

  • Port to Forge 1.20.1

Ver. 1.4.8:

  • Buffed max Soul Fire / Burning damage from 5% of max health to 7.5% max health

  • Fixed Soul Fire / Burning dealing less than 1 damage on entities with less than 20 health

  • Homing Wither Skulls shot by the Wither Wraith will no longer lock on to entities that do not have direct line of sight with the Wither Wraith

Ver. 1.4.7

  • Improved Soul Fireball's area effect cloud entity -> sometimes when an entity entered the cloud the soul burning effect did not register the Soul Mage as the cause which resulted in the effect not dealing damage as the player (non-player kill)

  • Fixed a bug where the Soul Mage took damage from soul campfires.

Ver. 1.4.6:

  • Reworked Soul Burning:

    • Soul Burning now applies percent-based damage based on the entity's maximum amount of health and the experience level of the Soul Mage (capping at 100 levels)

    • Minimum soul fire damage: 1 health point | Maximum soul fire damage: 5% of entity's maximum amount of health

  • Soul Fire Balls now only applies 5 seconds of soul burning regardless of the Soul Mage's experience level to accommodate the new changes to soul burning (this essentially buffs the projectile against non-player entities with higher health pools and nerfs it against other players)

  • Fixed some miscellaneous bugs with Soul Mage and Sand Person

Ver. 1.4.5:

  • Overhauled Soul Mage's Soul Fire Strength and Fire Weakness powers:

    • When standing near soul fire sources or holding a soul fire source (piglin repellent), the soul mage will now receive a 50% damage buff; however, the soul mage now has the ability to stand directly in soul fire without taking any damage and receive a 100% damage buff and a 50% soul fire ball damage buff while on soul fire (increased buff lasts for three additional seconds after the soul mage steps away from the soul fire).
  • Soul Fire effect now renders a blue fire overlay as if the entity was on fire.

  • Improved Sand Person implementation logic: handling whether or not the sand person is on a sand block / etc.

  • Sand People now turn invisible upon being fully submerged in sand.

  • Increased shovel vulnerability from 25% to 100% for Sand People.

Ver. 1.4.4:

  • Improved Wither Wraith's Homing Wither Skull lock-on (no longer need to have the entity directly in your crosshair for the lock on to occur)

Ver. 1.4.3:

  • Fixed the mod not working on servers (Server side Mixin tried to load a client-only class)

  • Wither Wraith wither skulls now home in onto targets the Wither Wraith was facing (note: need to aim ahead to get the skulls to lock on (locked on skulls travel much faster))

  • Fixed some capitalization issues in the origins' power descriptions.

Ver. 1.4.2:

  • Reduced charge up time for soul fire ball from 2s to 1.5s
  • Soul Fire ball damage is now partitioned between magic and soul blast damage (slight buff for soul mages fighting against other soul mages)
  • Slightly increased soul fire ball charge up sound volume

Ver. 1.4.1:

  • Slightly decreased the soul fireball charge up sound effect volume

Ver. 1.4.0:

  • Added a new custom charging animation for Soul Mages firing the soul fire ball.

Ver. 1.3.0:

  • Port to 1.20

Ver. 1.3.0

  • Soul Fireball's area cloud entity now spawns immediately when the fireball collides with something

  • Changed the Soul Fire Effect icon

  • Soul Fire Effect now displays fire particles

  • Wither skulls shot by the Wither Wraith no longer damage terrain regardless of whether mobGriefing is enabled

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago