ibarn's quartet origins addon

ibarn's quartet origins addon


This is an addon for the Origins mod which adds in four new origins

Client and server

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ibarn's quartet origins addon 1.4.5


Ver. 1.4.5:

  • Overhauled Soul Mage's Soul Fire Strength and Fire Weakness powers:

    • When standing near soul fire sources or holding a soul fire source (piglin repellent), the soul mage will now receive a 50% damage buff; however, the soul mage now has the ability to stand directly in soul fire without taking any damage and receive a 100% damage buff and a 50% soul fire ball damage buff while on soul fire (increased buff lasts for three additional seconds after the soul mage steps away from the soul fire).
  • Soul Fire effect now renders a blue fire overlay as if the entity was on fire.

  • Improved Sand Person implementation logic: handling whether or not the sand person is on a sand block / etc.

  • Sand People now turn invisible upon being fully submerged in sand.

  • Increased shovel vulnerability from 25% to 100% for Sand People.


ibarnoriginsaddon-1.4.5-fabric-1.20.1.jar(228.69 KiB) Primary Download

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago