*** Development of this mod is on hold for the foreseeable future. ***
Allows inventories to be created using commands. Inventories can then be opened using commands and be used to store things (like backpacks without the backpack).
Inventories can have the option of only certain players being able to open them. You specify a predicate by identifier using /inventorymaker edit checker
/inventorymaker create <type> <id> [<title>]
/inventorymaker edit <id> title <title>
/inventorymaker edit <id> checker <checker>
/inventorymaker edit <id> slot <slot> <item> <count>
/inventorymaker open <id> [<target>]
/inventorymaker delete <id>
Shorter Commands
You can use a mod like Command Aliases to shorten commands.
After running the command /inventorymaker create minecraft:generic_9x3 "example:shared"
And adding this json file:
config -> commandaliases ->
"schemaVersion": 1,
"commandMode": "COMMAND_CUSTOM",
"command": "shared",
"actions": [
"command": "inventorymaker open 'example:shared'",
"commandType": "CLIENT"
Players can use the command /shared
to open the created inventory.
inventorymaker - default none
inventorymaker.create - default 2
inventorymaker.edit - default 2
inventorymaker.open.others - default 3
inventorymaker.delete - default 2
Placeholder API Support (1.2.0+)
Placeholders in id will be parsed when command is run.
Placeholders in titles will be parsed each time an inventory is opened.