Jar It!

Jar It!


You can put things in jars

Client and server CursedDecorationStorage

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Jar It! v0.1.11+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.11 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Adds a command to lock a jar and prevent it from being opened.
    • /jar-it lock <id> - This command locks a jar and prevents it from being opened with a Jar Opener.
    • /jar-it unlock <id> - This command unlocks a locked jar and allows it to be opened with a Jar Opener.
  • Makes /jar-it destroy <id>'s confirm button suggest the command to actually destroy the jar, instead of straight-up running it.
  • Makes management commands broadcast to ops.
  • Fixes some lang errors.

Jar It! v0.1.10+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.10 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Fixes the reported size of jars in some commands.

Jar It! v0.1.9+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.9 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Adds some commands to allow operators to manage a world's jars.
    • /jar-it create <size> [<id>] - Allows you to create a new jar in the jar-dimension without having to build it first, giving you a jar item for the jar just created. Optionally, the id of the newly created jar can be specified. If a jar with that id already exists, you are still given a jar item for that jar, but a new jar is not created and an error message is printed.
    • /jar-it destroy <id> [force] - Destroys a jar with the given id, moving all players and any loaded entities to overworld spawn. Use force to skip the "are you sure" dialog.
    • /jar-it enter [<target>] id <id> - Teleports the user or an optionally given target into the jar with the given id.
    • /jar-it enter [<target>] at <block-pos> - Teleports the user or an optionally given target into the jar at the given block position.
    • /jar-it give <id> - Gives the player a Jar item for the specified jar id.
    • /jar-it list - Lists all the jars in the world.

Jar It! v0.1.8+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.8 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Fixes chunk loading info sometimes not getting saved.
  • Jars tick slower to reduce impact on TPS.
  • Made invalid jar blocks break instantly instead of waiting for someone to attempt to open them.

Jar It! v0.1.7+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.7 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Fixes issue where mobs in a jar without a player also in it never end up being teleported back when the jar is opened.
    • This is done by having jars that are loaded also load their contents, meaning that machines in a loaded jar will continue to run.

Jar It! v0.1.6+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.6 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Fixes de-sync issues with jars capturing players which also allows jars to capture all entities.
  • Fixes jars not actually enforcing their size cap.
  • Fixes blocks that get replaced by expanding jars not dropping anything.
  • Fixes jars not checking for gaps in their walls.
  • Adds helpful messages telling you what is wrong with your jar.

Known Issues:

  • Mobs in a jar are not returned when a jar is opened unless a player is also in the jar.
    • In order to fix this, I'll have to setup a jar-ticking chunk-loading system.


by Kneelawk on Aug 31, 2022

Jar It! v0.1.5+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.5 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Replaces some println statements with a logger.
  • Removes the reference to the empty mixins.json file.


by Kneelawk on Aug 22, 2022

Jar It! v0.1.4+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.4 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Updates mod icon.


by Kneelawk on Aug 22, 2022

Jar It! v0.1.3+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.3 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Jars now copy block-entity NBT properly.
  • Made it so that shrinking a jar places the jar block at the bottom and expanding a jar assumes the jar being expanded is at the bottom.
  • Fix some blocks breaking when jarred.


by Kneelawk on Aug 21, 2022

Jar It! v0.1.2+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.2 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Jars capture players.


by Kneelawk on Aug 21, 2022

Jar It! v0.1.1+1.19.2

Jar It! version 0.1.1 for Minecraft 1.19.2


  • Fixes LNS and QKL dependencies.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Created 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago