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Journal is a client-side only mod that aims to provide various utilities and general "nice to have"'s. The mod is called Journal because like a real-life journal, it's not something you need but it's a nice thing to have with you in case you need it or have a good use for it.

Journal Features:


Function Manager


  • Create functions that can execute several commands or send pre-written messages sequentially with a delay between sends to the server.


  • Functions can be easily run by pressing F8 (Remappable Keybind) to execute commands or send pre-written messages.


  • Functions are saved in .minecraft/journal/functions as .jfunc files. They can be opened in a text editor and can be manually edited or shared with others.

Built-in Resource Packs


  • A Completely remade from the ground-up version of my old resource pack for the latest Minecraft Version.
  • Adds 3d models to workbenches, ores, and other blocks.
  • Adds some minor texture changes for utility or consistency.

Default+ Example Default+ Bookshelves


  • Adds indicators to several redstone blocks of their facing direction and powered state.
  • Good redstone utility.

Redstone+ Example


Built-in Zoom Button

  • Default Bound to 'M' but can be remapped in Keybinds.
  • Menu to edit default zoom length, scroll sensitivity, and maximum zoom length.

Rapid Use

  • Unbound by default but will act as if you are spamming the use key.
  • Acts as a macro, and is useful for situations like bedrock breaking.


Misc Settings

Toggle JAPI Debug Tabs

  • When enabled all mods registered through JAPI will be given a creative inventory tab containing all items from that mod.

Legacy Potion Colors

  • My Old Mod has been added as a toggleable feature to this mod. (Old Mod is discontinued)

Warn About Experimental World Settings

  • Removes annoying 'Here Be Dragons' message that appears when playing in modded instances of worlds in single-player.

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago