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  • The sound for the saxophone note block instrument has been updated.


  • Changed how new note block instruments are implemented, fixing crashes related to mod compatibility (#3)
  • Armor stands and written books now have increased max stack sizes as intended

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Chikorita-Lover/Kaleidoscope/compare/v1.0.1+1.20.1...v1.0.2+1.20.1


  • The sound for the saxophone note block instrument has been updated.


  • Changed how new note block instruments are implemented, fixing crashes related to mod compatibility (#3)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Chikorita-Lover/Kaleidoscope/compare/v1.0.1+1.21.1...v1.0.2+1.21.1


  • Nether brick fences can be crafted from blocks of Nether bricks using a stonecutter
    • The same applies to red Nether brick fences and red Nether bricks


  • Chains can now be used to hoist all gravity-affected blocks
    • Chains can be used to stabilize scaffolding blocks without making contact with the ground
    • Primed TNT can be hoisted in the air using chains as well, preventing it from falling
    • This property is controlled through a new kaleidoscope:hoists_falling_blocks block tag and includes chains and ropes from other mods
  • Ladders can be used on placed ladders to extend the ladder up or down, similar to scaffolding placement
  • Walking on the ground through a climbable block no longer affects movement speed
  • The max stack sizes of armor stands and written books have been increased from 16 to 64
  • Blocks of charcoal now provide 400 seconds of fuel time, increased from 350 seconds
  • Walking on the bottom of scaffolding now produces footstep sounds


  • The saxophone instrument for note blocks now works with any waxed copper blocks
    • This is done through a new kaleidoscope:copper block tag
  • Failing to place a painting no longer increases the use statistic

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Chikorita-Lover/Kaleidoscope/compare/v1.0.0+1.21.1...v1.0.1+1.20.1


  • Nether brick fences can be crafted from blocks of Nether bricks using a stonecutter
    • The same applies to red Nether brick fences and red Nether bricks


  • Chains can now be used to hoist all gravity-affected blocks
    • Chains can be used to stabilize scaffolding blocks without making contact with the ground
    • Primed TNT can be hoisted in the air using chains as well, preventing it from falling
    • This property is controlled through a new kaleidoscope:hoists_falling_blocks block tag and includes chains and ropes from other mods
  • Ladders can be used on placed ladders to extend the ladder up or down, similar to scaffolding placement
  • Walking on the ground through a climbable block no longer affects movement speed
  • The max stack sizes of armor stands and written books have been increased from 16 to 64
  • Blocks of charcoal now provide 400 seconds of fuel time, increased from 350 seconds
  • Walking on the bottom of scaffolding now produces footstep sounds


  • The saxophone instrument for note blocks now works with any waxed copper blocks
    • This is done through a new kaleidoscope:copper block tag
  • Failing to place a painting no longer increases the use statistic

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Chikorita-Lover/Kaleidoscope/compare/v1.0.0+1.21.1...v1.0.1+1.21.1


  • Added the kiln, a new furnace block for smelting non-smoker and non-blast furnace recipes faster (e.g. bricks from clay)
    • Kiln recipes are dynamically generated and theoretically support any mod
  • Added the fireworks table, a new utility block for quickly and easily crafting firework stars and rockets
  • Added glass doors and trapdoors, along with their stained counterparts, which cannot be powered by redstone
  • Added stairs, slabs, and walls for several vanilla blocks that did not have any
  • Added polished calcite and smooth calcite blocks
  • Added cracked variants for tuff bricks, mud bricks, red Nether bricks, and End stone bricks
    • Cracked tuff bricks generate in trial chambers, replacing some tuff bricks
    • Cracked mud bricks generate in trail ruins, replacing some mud bricks
    • Cracked End stone bricks generate in End cities, replacing some End stone bricks
  • Added brick mosaic blocks
  • Added blocks of charcoal, which serve as compact blocks crafted from charcoal
    • Blocks of charcoal may be formed as a result of a log or wood block being set on fire
  • Added smooth copper blocks in all oxidation and waxed states
  • Added red Nether brick fences
  • Added polished End stone blocks
  • End stone bricks are now crafted from polished End stone instead of normal End Stone
  • Added stick bales, which serve as storage blocks for sticks and can be smelted into charcoal or used as fuel
    • Stick bales may generate as piles in snowy and taiga villages
    • Like hay bales, stick bales can be used as a signal fire base block for campfires; along with this addition, a new kaleidoscope:signal_fire_base_blocks block tag has been added
  • Added soul jack o'lanterns
  • Added jukebox minecarts
  • Added firework shells, template items used in constructing firework stars at a fireworks table
    • Each firework shell has an associated firework type and is crafted from the firework type's ingredient (e.g. a large ball firework shell is crafted with a fire charge, paper, and gunpower), similar to banner patterns
  • Added netherite shears, a more durable variant of normal shears crafted from netherite ingots
  • Added crimson and warped boats and their chest variants
    • Crimson and warped boats do not burn in lava but rather sink
  • Added Pigstep disc fragments, which may be received through bartering with piglins and are used to craft the Pigstep music disc
  • Added the glassblower and fireworker villager professions, whose associated blocks are the kiln and fireworks table, respectively
    • Each villager profession has a unique trade table and associated houses in each village type
  • Added additional tooltip information to all food items that displays a food's nutrition and saturation values
  • Added firefly particles that appear at night in select biomes during a new moon or a waxing crescent moon
    • The blocks that firefly particles may spawn on are listed under the kaleidoscope:fireflies_spawnable_on block tag
    • The biomes that firefly particles may spawn in are listed under the kaleidoscope:spawns_fireflies biome tag
  • Added a saxophone instrument to note blocks that can be produced with any oxidizable block (i.e. any copper block) or a lightning rod
  • Added additional splash texts referencing various features from the mod


  • Blocks of coal now burn indefinitely in all dimensions, like the newly-introduced block of charcoal
  • Striders can now be equipped with chests, like donkeys and llamas
  • Boats and their variants can now be equipped with banners by interacting with them
    • Banners can be removed by destroying a banner-equipped boat or using any shears
  • Soul soil can be used to produce the cow bell instrument with note blocks, like soul sand
  • Carved pumpkins and any jack o'lantern can be used to produce the didgeridoo instrument with note blocks, like pumpkins
  • The hardness value of cobwebs has been reduced from 4.0 to 1.6
  • Cakes now produce particles and sounds when eaten from
  • Chains can be used to prevent certain gravity-affected blocks (e.g. sand) from falling
  • Farmland is no longer trampled when the falling entity is equipped with any body armor or boots enchanted with Feather Falling
  • Blocks with cracked variants (e.g. stone bricks) may crack when exposed to fire or a block-destroying explosion
    • These conversions are based on a new cracking recipe type and are dynamically generated
  • Muddy mangrove roots can be scooped and converted to mangrove roots using a shovel, dropping mud blocks in the process
  • Mangrove roots can be placed in cardinal directions, like muddy mangrove roots
  • Any shears can be used to carve pumpkins when used from a dispenser
  • Camels can be milked, like cows and goats
  • Paintings destroyed using any shears will drop an item of the same painting, allowing the painting to be saved and placed later
  • Any shears can be used to remove saddles from saddled pigs and striders
  • Mossy blocks can be scraped and converted to their non-mossy forms using hoes
    • These conversions are based on a new scraping recipe type and are dynamically generated
  • Cookies can now be eaten faster, like dried kelp
  • Mining tools (e.g. axes) can be used in dispensers to interact with blocks (e.g. scrapping wax off of copper blocks with axes)
  • Shears can now be enchanted at an enchanting table
  • Cracked Nether bricks now generate in Nether fortresses, replacing some Nether bricks
  • Lodestone compasses can be converted to normal compasses at a grindstone
  • Honeycomb blocks can now be mined faster using any shears
    • Along with this and other shear-related changes, a new kaleidoscope:mineable/shears block tag has been added to define blocks mined faster with shears
  • Wandering traders can now sell sweet berries, pink petals, bamboo, cocoa beans, and buckets of tadpoles
  • Camels may now drop leather upon death
  • Goats may now drop raw or cooked mutton upon death
  • Many items have had their max stack sizes increased to 64: banners, banner patterns, all signs, music discs, eggs, and snowballs
  • Several items are now fire resistant and cannot burn in fire or lava: blaze rods, blaze powder, and magma cream
  • Campfires can now be crafted using bamboo blocks or stick bales in place of logs or wood
  • Charcoal can now be produced by smelting bamboo blocks
  • The recipe for dark prismarine has been changed: eight dark prismarine blocks can be crafted from eight normal prismarine blocks and a black dye
  • Blackstone and cobbled deepslate can now be used to craft dispensers, droppers, levers, observers, and pistons in place of cobblestone
  • The recipe for prismarine bricks has been changed: four blocks of prismarine bricks can be crafted from four normal prismarine blocks
    • Prismarine bricks and their variants can also be crafted from prismarine using a stonecutter
  • The recipe for purpur pillars has been changed to use purpur blocks instead of purpur slabs to be consistent with quartz pillars; the conversion rate remains the same
  • Cacti can now be mined faster using hoes
  • All End stone brick blocks are now immune to the Ender dragon

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Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago