Kaotic Weapons

Kaotic Weapons


Adds a few vanilla style weapons, recommended to use together with Better Combat Mod.

Client and server Equipment

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About the mod

Kaotic Weapons is a mod that aims to add a couple of vanilla style weapons to the game.

Currently the mod only adds varius types of weapon,like the gauntlets, the zweihander sword and more weapons are planned to be added in the future. As well as special weapons will be added.

It is recommended to play it with Better Combat installed.

Crafting Recipes can be viewed with JEI.

Iron Gauntlet Crafting recipe

Netherite Gauntlet Crafting recipe

If you have suggestions on weapons to add to the mod, let me know, I will gladly read it and consider it for future versions.


Kaotic Weapons es un mod que pretende agregar un par de armas con estilo vanilla al juego.

Actualmente el mod sólo añade varios tipos de armas, como los guanteletes, la espada zweihander y más armas están previstas para ser añadidas en el futuro. Asi como tambien se agregaran armas especiales.

Recomendable jugarlo con Better Combat instalado.

Si tienes sugerencias sobre armas para agregar al mod, ¡hazmelo saber!, con gusto lo leere y considerare para futuras versiones.

  • Models made in Blockbench.
  • Mod created with MCreator.

Project members




Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 3 months ago
Updated 2 months ago