What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - magnet
- Added energium vault and energium key
- Added cursed ladder and cursed lamp
- Added new argument for pw command - debug
- Removed the slow-motion drop when using the third speed ability
- Amplifer blocks now emit some light
- The elemental power generator has been updated
- Copyrium ore now appears in snowy biomes
- The structure of the Energium Temple has been updated
- Now the star regeneration effect level doubles the recovery rate of star points
- Changed the weapon for the teleportation master
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the cause of death from an Energium Golem
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the Amber Master's poison abilities were replaced with speed abilities
- [Bugfix] Fixed display of rain bow in second hand