Original Feature Set
Looking for just the baseline features from be beginning of Knarfy's video? This is the version for you.
Only features included:
- Puffernut Mob
- Baby Puffshroom
- Puffshroom
Full Ruined Mod Release
- Includes the original Puffernut & Puffshroom features designed by Knarfy
- Some ruined features include:
- Exploding mobs (gamerules toggle)
- Exploding mushrooms (gamerule toggles)
- Goldfish
- Legend of Zelda Mushrooms
- Gruffernuts
- Shearable Puffernuts
- Thorns
- Puffshroom Stew
- Probably more :D
Changes after video recording:
- Fixed Puffshroom stew giving players Puffed Effect level 2. Now gives level 1
- Set default for all Gamerules to true (use /reset_gamerules to set all to false in-game)