Knights and Fights

Knights and Fights


Fight in style with new melee weapons and their unique abilities!

Client and server AdventureEquipment

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Adds melee weaponry with their own unique abilities to spicen up vanilla combat! Hook in your oponents, Dig away or slice and dice.

The ender scythe :

  • allows you to grapple to blocks
  • if you aim at an entity instead, they will be grappled towards you
  • costs 1 ender pearl to use each time

The gold rusher :

  • pickaxe with viable combat stats
  • charge to instantly dig multiple blocks at once!
  • (tunneler enchantment) allows you to mine a 1x2 instead of a 1x1 for quick and easy tunnels!
  • (weighted enchantment) increase knockback and melee damage significantly!

The steel nail :

  • A fast yet weaker sword that can be thrown like a trident.
  • hit your targets multiple times to build up combo!
  • combo increases projectile damage multiplicitavely
  • costs 1 string for the loyalty effect to apply
  • (poking enchantment) when returning to the user it still has an active hitbox, make use of this as you seem fit :3
  • (throwing item resets combo, combo is stored on the item)

recipe items and recipes:

  • end stone shaft:
  • 2 end rods, 1 iron ingot, 2 end stone bricks, 2 end stones
  • tempered obsidian:
  • 2 obsidian, 2 netherite scrap and 2 gold ingots
  • seers eye:
  • 4 blaze powder, 4 dragon's breath and 1 eye of ender
  • ender scythe:
  • 2 end stone shafts, 3 tempered obsidian and 1 seers eye
  • steel nail:
  • 1 stick, 4 iron ingots and 2 tempered obsidian
  • gold rusher:
  • 2 sticks, 3 tempered obsidian and 2 gold ingots

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Licensed MPL-2.0
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago