Happy Anniversary! While this update is not officially finished, here is a preview version as a special anniversary bonus.
- Most items have had their internal names changed IE "fierce_mask" -> "fierce_deity_mask". Because of this if any of these items are in your world they will cease to exist, making it vital to create a backup.
- Tons and tons of fixes!
- Spike Blocks have been added as a redstone type dungeon block. Currently they are not craftable and are a WIP. These blocks can be toggled on/off with a redstone signal.
- Wild Bomb Flowers can now be properly placed onto any surface and will interact with other Wild Bomb Flower blocks whilst exploding.
- Master Ore and Deepslate Master Ore have had their textures changed to differentiate them from Redstone even further. This will likely be changed again before release.
- All Eye Switch blocks are able to be placed onto any surface.
- Heart Flowers and Primo Flowers now randomly tick to properly regenerate their heart.
- Stamina Fruits now randomly tick to regenerate the fruit.
- All Deku Flower blocks negate fall damage when fallen on.
- Dark Nut and Dark Knight helmets have been added but are currently unobtainable.
- Lightning Arrows have had their name changed -> "Shock Arrows".
- All Specialized Arrows produce an effect upon hitting a block or entity.
- Deku Nuts produce an effect upon hitting a block or entity.
- All Bombs properly flash whilst in the process of detonating.
- Milk Bottles are now a singular item controlled via NBT data.
- Paragliders now offer greater control whilst descending. The slowdown has been drastically reduced in an attempt to better match the control in BOTW.
- All Sword Beams are fired via Left Click/Main Attack key.
- Fierce Deity Sword no longer consumes hunger whilst firing beams.
- All Hammers are able to execute an AoE attack via Right Clicking the ground. Their description has been updated to match this new ability. However Hammers are no longer able to smash "weak blocks" with Right Click.
- Clawshots now properly aim the user's arm whilst in 3rd Person.
- The Hookshot and Longshot now have a new 3D Model to better match the visual clarity seen in other models.
- The Megaton Hammer has a new 3D model and texture.
- All Shields have had their 3D model remade to be better optimized.
- In general most item textures have been changed to some capacity including All Bombs, Boomerangs, Deku Seeds, Hammers, Ancient Arrows, Clawshots, etc.
- A large chunk of items have had their descriptions changed or updated to offer better clarity into how they function. Notably the Fierce Deity Mask and Majora's Mask have had their SHIFT descriptions updated to include their functions.
- All Additional Hearts now properly save upon exiting the End Dimension. This includes Primo and Regular Hearts obtained from their respective containers.
- Boomerangs no longer crash the world upon interacting with non-living entities.
- Slingshot seeds now properly play a sound upon hitting the ground.
- Heavy Boots no longer activate whilst in Spectator Mode.
- All Night's Mask has had it's armor texture changed to better cover the player's eyes.
- All Colored Emerald Blocks have been given a proper Loot Table and are correctly assigned to the Pickaxe tool type.
- Numerous Advancements have been cleaned up and work properly.
- and many more!
This mod is being almost completely rewritten (mostly by DeadlyDiamond98), so the performance should be much greater across the board.
Bug Fixes incoming!
- Koroks now properly eat Large Treats, there was an issue with the tag regarding this
- Clawshot and Goddess Clawshot item texture has been changed to better reflect the source material
Lots of bug fixes!
- All bomb types now properly deplete when using them!
- Wild Bomb Flowers have been completely rewritten and are now able to be placed on all surfaces in any direction! They also properly explode blocks in the "bomb_blocks" tag along with detonating each other.
- All bombs have been rewritten to perform better and not be as buggy when throwing them or hitting the ground.
- Quivers are much less buggy with the Supplementaries mod.
- All bag items now properly pick up matching item types into bag directly.
- Reinforced Hero Bow has had textures adjusted to be consistent.
- Clawshots have had their range properly extended. The regular Clawshot has a range of 25 (unchanged) while the Goddess variant has a range of 40 (+15).
- Koroks properly disappear when obtaining the Korok Mask.
- Roc's Cape behaves differently allowing you to glide properly, reducing your gravity, and granting Jump Boost II.
- Hawkeye Mask has had it's functionality restored
- Roc's Feather code has been streamlined
- All Mask Items now have a unique item class to hopefully streamline code
- All Masks have properly colored flavor text
Bug fixes!
- Wallets have had their sizes adjusted to 144, 272, and 512 respectively
- Bomb Bags have had their sizes adjusted to 64, 96, and 128 respectively
- Quivers have had their sizes adjusted to 144, 208, and 448 respectively. These items were deemed to be a bit too overpowered so hopefully this brings them more in line and not overpowered!
- Mask Traders have had their texture reverted in order to fix a bug with the zombie villager variant being invisible.
- Crash related to the Aether has been hopefully fixed
The bug with Quivers interacting strangely with Supplementaries is being looked into but for now is not fixed. This is just a visual bug so the functionality should still be fine.
The wiki has also been fully updated to include all of the content from the update!
Version 1.3 is here! The Korok Update!
- Koroks have been added along with 7 different varities. These guys can drop Korok Seeds when fed any of the following items: Apples, Baked Apples, Golden Apples, Enchanted Golden Apples, Cake, Cookies, Honeycombs, and Honey Bottles.
- Koroks spawn in Forests, Savannas, Deserts, Birch Forests, Snowy Slopes, Cherry Groves, Jungles, Swamps, Mushroom Fields, and Plains biomes.
- Skulltulas have been added as a new armored spider type mob. These mobs spawn underground below sea level in Forest, Birch Forest, Flower Forest, Dark Forest, Grove, and Plains biomes.
- Chuchus have been added along with 4 varieties. Each chu drops a different type of jelly that can be eaten for a different effect. Chus unlike slimes are able to damage the player at all sizes. They can spawn in a variety of biomes, so check the wiki for specifics.
- Fire Chu Jelly removes any frost the player has accumulated, Regular and Icy Chu Jelly extinguish the player if they're on fire, and Electric Chu Jelly has a chance to grant Speed I when eaten. You can also condense Chu Jelly into Chu Blocks. Each Jelly can be combined with arrows to make the respective elemental arrow type.
- Keese can now spawn naturally. Keese spawn underground below sea level in Forest, Birch Forest, Flower Forest, Dark Forest, Grove, and Plains biomes. Z fighting has also been addressed.
- Deku Scrubs can now spawn naturally in Forest and Swamp biomes.
- Darknuts and Dark Knights now have a refined texture thanks to TotallyRealRei on Twitter.
- The real meat of this update, this new item type can be obtained from the Mysterious Trader only in exchange for Korok Seeds. These come in Small, Medium, and Large varities.
- Shoutouts to DeadlyDiamond98 for the code for these items!
- Quivers. These items hold many arrows.
- Bomb Bags. These items can hold tons of bombs!
- Wallets. Hold all of your emeralds and Korok Seeds with these.
- Boomerangs make a new sound when thrown
- All Bomb types no longer explode on contact. This was caused due to a bug.
- Reinforced Hero's Bow can be crafted with a Master Upgrade Template, Hero's Bow, and Refined Master ore at a Smithing Table. This bow has much higher durability and fires faster arrows.
- Inferno Rod. A new powered up version of the Fire Rod that can crafted with a Master Upgrade Template, Fire Rod, and Refined Master Ore at a Smithing Table. This rod acts like a Flame Thrower.
- Blizzard Rod. This upgraded rod shoots three blasts of ice instead of one. It is crafted in the same way as the Inferno Rod.
- Hurricane Rod. This upgraded rod launches the player up nearly twice as high as the Tornado Rod. It is crafted in the same way as the Inferno Rod.
- Sandstorm Rod. This upgraded rod is able to mine Sand much faster and has more durability. It is crafted in the same way as the Inferno Rod.
- Korok Mask. This Mask can be found in the new Forest Haven Biome or by using the Ocarina on a Korok with Regeneration.. This mask makes Koroks begin to follow you.
- Korok Seed. A new item that can be dropped by slaying Koroks or by feeding them food items. These aren't very valuable on their own but can be traded with the new Mysterious Trader for unique items. These can be used as Slingshot ammo and cooked. They however aren't very tasty.
- Hestu's Gift. A rare treasure! Surely it's valuable.... right?
- Colored Emeralds. From Blue to Gold there are new emerald types that can be obtained in survival! These come with matching blocks as well.
- The Forest Haven! This is a Korok Sanctuary and is incredibly rare. This can spawn in all forest type biomes and while not having exclusive loot does contain a large amount of Koroks.
Maps for Chasms, Arctic Ruins, and Song ruins have had their lang files fixed!
Surprise! Here's a small update that while fixing some bugs, mostly adds some new features that were originally planned for the update!
Change log
- Jars now come in all 16 colors and can be crafted with a Flower Pot and their respective dye.
- Time Bricks now have wall variants and can be crafted in the ways you would expect.
- Slingshots now have a proper sound for pulling back and releasing their shot.
- Scattershot description has been changed to "Is able to shoot three seeds for the price of one".
- Ocarina now plays note particles upon using with no corresponding block.
- Clay Pumpkins have been added to get in mood for the spooky season, these can be crafted with clay surrounding a pumpkin.
- Clay Jack O' Lanterns and Carved Pumpkins have also been added and crafted in the expected ways.
- Chasms now properly spawn Darknuts and not just Dark Knights.
- Advancement "Dubious Food" should be fixed and require eating a Gloom Container now.
- Dark Armor is able to properly be crafted by combining Gloom Clumps around any of the Kokiri set.
- Hylian Hoods are now able to be crafted by surrounding a Kokiri Hat with Black Wool.
- Hawkeye Mask zoom effect has been changed from 1.4 -> 1.3x the zoom, hopefully this is a bit better to play with and isn't as jarring to use.
Majora's Mask is now able to be used on Snow Golems to collect Clay Pumpkins
More fixes and new content!
- Sky Ruins have been properly renamed to Chasms and should hopefully spawn correctly now
- Archaic Tunic has been added to the loot pool for Sky Ruins
- Arctic Ruins should spawn properly and no longer spawn in Desert biomes
- Locked Doors (both types) no longer respond to a Redstone signal
- Boomerangs properly drop any items they have picked up if the player inventory is full, this applies to all types of Boomerang
- Mirror Shield description has been changed to hopefully be easier to understand "Reflects magical projectiles!" -> "Reflects non-physical projectiles". The Mirror shield is only meant to reflect Potions, Fireballs, Witherskulls, etc not arrows
- Mirror Shield has added description text "Not great for melee combat"
- Lightning Arrows have been changed to strike Lightning on blocks if fired during a Storm, this can only occur if the sky is visible
- Lightning Arrows have had their description changed to include "Summons lightning during storms" hopefully this is a bit more clear as to how they function
- The Ocarina is now able to be used to obtain the Gibdo Mask, this plays the Song of Healing
- Ocarina can be right clicked on Horses to play Epona's Song! Granting the horse Regeneration II for a few seconds
- Link's House has a proper loot table as well as two variants that can spawn
- Link's House can contain a secret chest within the walls instead of a Sword Pedestal, this chest will always contain a Heart Piece
- Link's House will always contain a Champion's Tunic, Hylian Trousers, Kokiri Boots, and a chance for a Wooden Sword or a Bow
- Sword House's now properly use a loot table for their loot
- The main chest can contain the following commonly Kokiri Tunic, Kokiri Hat, Kokiri Pants, Kokiri Boots, Kokiri Sword (both), and Deku Shield. It can rarely contain the Goron/Zora Tunic and Hat, Pegasus Boots, Hero's Sword, and Hylian shield
- The Sword House Attic chest now can contain Deku Nuts, Deku Sticks, and a 10% chance for a Heart Piece
- Gloom Containers have a 1% chance of spawning in Ancient Cities
- Gloom Containers can now be crafted with Gloom Clumps surrounding a Piece of Heart instead of a container
- Hero Swords have a 5% chance to spawn in Dungeon chests
- Hero Swords can be given as a rare chance from Weaponsmiths after a Pillager Raid (7%)
- Hylian Hoods can spawn in Village Armorer chests
- Hylian Trousers can spawn in Village Armorer chests
- Zelda Stone can now be made by surrounding one Redstone with Stone in a Crafting Table
- The Kokiri Armor Set can now be crafted with Leather Armor surrounded by the respective wool color for each piece. Green wool is used for the hat and tunic, white wool for the pants, and brown wool for the boots.
- Hylian Trousers can be made by combining Kokiri Pants with brown dye
New Items!
- Hylian Trousers! These are beige pants that have 300 durability, perfect for completing the look of the Hero of the Wild
- Balanced Mirror Shield! This mirror shield takes on the appearance of that of the Wind Waker. Sporting a cool blue look and being better made for combat this shield will reflect ALL PROJECTILES! This shield takes no penalty from blocking melee attacks and can reflect all manner of projectiles. This can only be crafted via a Mirror Shield, Refined Master Ore, and a Master Upgrade Template in a Smithing Table. This comes with a new Advancement to make clear how to obtain in game.
- Advancements in general have been cleaned up and hopefully should be easier to follow
- Item related Advancements are now dedicated to their own tab called "Equipment"
- Two secret Advancements have been added for collecting one of each Dark Item (Dark outfit, Gloom weapons) and for collecting one of each Deku related item (Stick, Nut, Mask, Slingshot, Leaf)
- Advancements for reforging the Master Sword have been tweaked down, leaving it a bit more vague but was done for the sake of visual clarity
- Multiple advancements have been added detailing how to upgrade or obtain certain items, this is to hopefully clear up how to obtain some things without needing the wiki
Be sure to report any bugs or leave feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
Major bug fixes! If you're feeling stuck be sure to consult the wiki for how the new items function!
- Ocarina no longer crashes when using the Note Stone and Sun Stone on servers!
- Arctic Ruins now properly spawn
- Chasms now naturally spawn Darknuts and Dark Knights (rarely)
- Heart Pieces can now generate in Clock Towers, Chasms (guaranteed), Arctic Ruins, Towers, Link Houses, Sword Houses, and Graveyards
- Sword Houses now properly use their own Loot Tables to pull from for the chests. These can now contain Kokiri Tunics, Zora Tunics, Goron Tunics, any of the matching hats, Kokiri Pants, Kokiri Boots, Pegasus Boots, any Kokiri Sword, Deku Shield, and the Hylian Shield.
- Sword House attics can contain most importantly Pumpkin Soup, Deku Nuts, Deku Sticks, and Heart Pieces
- White Sword now properly upgrades when having <= 3 total hearts and placing inside an Ancient Sword Pedestal
The Ocarina and Mobs update is here!
Compatibility with Better Combat has been added!
Keese: A simple bat like enemy that can only spawn in Sky Ruin structures (for now). They have a singular heart and are dangerous in swarms!
Deku Scrubs: A woodland shrub like creature that focuses on ranged attacks. They have three hearts and can have their shots reflected by any type of shield! They spawn in Clock Towers and Song Ruins (for now). When defeated drop 1-3 Deku Nuts.
Mad Deku Scrubs: Denoted by their red foilage, these creatures are a more dangerous version of the Deku Scrub. With six total hearts and dealing five damage per shot, they're the tanks of the Deku world! Drops 1-3 Deku Nuts and 1-2 Deku Sticks when defeated.
DarkNuts: A knight clad in shining iron armor, these creatures work as advanced grunts in the Minecraft world. Having seventeen and a half hearts, Darknuts are tanky! Due to their armor their attacks and movements are sluggish so use this to your advantage. Spawns exclusively in Sky Ruins (for now). Drops 1-2 Iron Ingots when defeated.
Dark Knights: A knight clad in menacing dark armor, these creatures work as mid boss style enemies. Having twenty-seven hearts these dangerous foes are able to nearly one shot an unprotected foe! Proceed with caution when engaging them. When defeated they drop 1-2 Gloom Clumps.
Sky Ruins have been added as an endgame challenge! These can be rarely found and are full of Gloom blocks. You are able to uniquely find Darknuts, Darknights, and Keese here. This dungeon always guarantees a Heart Piece. It is able to spawn in the Plains, Desert, and any biome containing the following tags is_taiga, is_savanna, is_mountain, is_forest, is_badlands.
Song Ruins: An early game dungeon that is an easy way to access the Ocarina! This dungeon contains Deku and Wood themed items. There are multiple variants that contain blocks solely for the Ocarina, including the Note Block and Sun Stone. Deku and Mad Deku Scrubs are able to spawn here! It is able to spawn in the plains and any biome in the following tag is_forest.
Arctic Ruins: A mid game dungeon that's designed to make use of the new Time Blocks! This is something I consider a bonus dungeon and helps give players more challenges to seek out! It's full of ice and underwater related treasure including Flippers, Zora Tunics, Hookshots, Silver Scales, Ice Rods, and more! This is able to spawn in Ice Spikes, Tundra, and any biome in the following tag is_taiga.
Clock Towers: Have an additional underground room variant that spawns Deku instead of skeletons.
Towers: Now generate with maps to Song Ruins, Arctic Ruins, and Sky Ruins. Paragliders, Heart Pieces, and Hylian Hoods have been added as rare loot to the loot-table for the chest a top the tower.
Familiar House: Has a new variant that can spawn with a Hero Sword located in the secret sword location. Chest lootpool has been changed and instead is run from a loot-table titled "link_house". Chest near the bed can now contain Kokiri Armor, Champion Tunic, a Bow, Wooden Sword, and the Hylian Hood. Can now generate with a secret chest containing a Piece of Heart. Well loot-table has been fixed and now generates properly Generates with an Owl Statue outside.
Courage Temple: Now generates with an Owl Statue outside
Wisdom Temple: Now generates with an Owl Statue outside
- The Ocarina: A context sensitive item that can be found in Song Ruins or very rarely Ancient Cities. This item has infinite durability and has unique interactions when clicking on certain blocks! Check out the spoilers section of the wiki to see all of the interactions.
- Flute: A powerful item that always warps you home no matter where you are! A home is considered wherever you last slept.
- Heart Piece: A rare heart shaped stone that when four are combined together crafts a Heart Container
- Heart Container: A powerful item that when consumed grants the user an additional heart and fully restores the users health. Can be used to gain ten additional hearts. Can be crafted from four Heart Pieces.
- Gold Heart Container: A very strong item that is able to grant the user ten more additional hearts after reaching the maximum heart containers used. Can be crafted from a - Heart Container, Primo Flowers, and Gold Blocks. A Heart Container in the middle, primo flowers in the corners, and gold blocks in the other spots.
- Gloom Heart Container: A corrupted heart container that removes a permanent heart when consumed. Can be crafted by surrounding a Heart Container with Gloom Clumps in a crafting table.
- Hero Sword: A weak sword that can fire sword beams when at full health! Can be obtained by putting any Kokiri or Wooden Sword into an Ancient Sword Pedestal Block.
- White Sword: A moderately strong sword that can fire sword beams when at full health! Can be obtained by putting a Hero Sword into an Ancient Sword Pedestal Block when at 20 total hearts.
- Magic Sword: A powerful sword that can fire sword beams when at full health! Can be obtained by putting a White Sword into an Ancient Sword Pedestal block when at 3 total hearts.
- Dark Armor Set: A new powerful set of armor that makes the user immune to the new Gloom Effect! This can be crafted by surrounding a piece of Kokiri armor with Gloom Clumps in a crafting table. During night this set grants a speed bonus.
- Gloom Sword: A purely evil sword that deals massive damage but the user takes damage for every swing. Can be found in Sky Ruins.
- Gloom Club: A purely evil club that deals massive damage but the user takes damage for every swing. Can be found in Sky Ruins.
- Archaic Tunic: A lonley green tunic that can be found rarely in Sky Ruins.
- Paraglider: Now findable in Tower Chests. Properly implemented with custom gliding animation. Bug fixed with gliding upward infinitely and gaining massive speed whilst using Elytra type items.
- Clawshots: Clawshots have been given a new model credit to @totallyrealrei on Twitter! Many thanks to them as it looks fantastic.
- True Master Sword: The enchantments given to the Golden Master Sword are transferred and upgraded whilst transforming it into the True Master Sword. Now obtaining Smite, Sweeping Edge, and Looting III.
- Reforged Master Sword: The dark variant of the Master Sword can now be upgraded by using the Sacred Flames! It now obtains Knockback, Fire Aspect, and Sharpness III when fully upgraded via the flames. This is meant to be a different take on the Master Sword and it's method for obtaining will be changed in a future update!
- All items: All items have had their lore changed from literal translation to be used in the US_lang file. All rarities for items has been changed to be upgraded from the default rarity.
- Unlocked Master Sword Pedestal: Your feedback has been heard! If you have +5 (15 total) or more hearts whilst putting in any broken Master Sword it will now be restored to the regular Master Sword! No more needing to only reforge the Master Sword.
- Ancient Sword Pedestal: A deepslate sword pedestal that holds unique powers! It can be used to transform any sword marked with the tag "transforming_swords" into the Hero Sword. It is used to upgrade the Hero, White, and Magic Sword. This can be crafted by surrounding a Sword Pedestal Block with Cobbled Deepslate inside of a Crafting Table.
- Gloom Block: Completely redone textures and fully implemented! This block now has a chance to give whomever steps on it the Gloom Effect. These blocks are difficult to break unless using the Master Sword.
- Gloom Vein: Fully implemented with redone textures!
- Malice Block: A creative exclusive block that generates red particles in the world. Has the same effects as Gloom Blocks. Originally Gloom blocks were supposed to generate particles, but I deemed this not fun! So the code has been reworked here.
- Zelda Stone: A mystical stone block that has the Triforce upon it. Upon using the Ocarina on it, the Triforce will activate causing the block to emit a redstone signal of 15.
- Time Block: A strange blue block with a unique pattern on it. Upon using the Ocarina on it, the block becomes transparent and is able to be walked through. This effect can be undone.
- Sun Stone: A block featuring the Sun and Moon upon it. When using the Ocarina on it, this causes the world to become the opposite time of day.
- Note Stone: A block featuring a note symbol. Using the Ocarina causes a storm to instantly happen.
- Deku Grave: A gravestone depicting a Deku Scrub. Using the Ocarina causes it to disappear leaving behind the Deku Mask.
- Goron Grave: A Goron tombstone. Using the Ocarina causes it to disappear leaving behind the Goron Mask. Zora Grave: A grave depicting a Zora instrument. Using the Ocarina causes it to disappear leaving behind the Zora Mask.
- Owl Statue: A statue that can be found at most structures included in the mod. Using the Ocarina causes the screen to warp and sends you back to your home. A home is denoted by the last place you slept.
- Jars: Four new jar blocks that can be crafted from a flower pot and the respective dye. The jars come in Red, Brown, Lime, and Blue variants. The jars can hold a stack of items and when broken drop their contents.
- Pressure Switch: A pressure plate block that stays pressed once stepped on. All Pressure Switch type blocks can be popped back up using any shovel item. Can be crafted from gold ingots in a slab pattern in a crafting table.
- Timed Pressure Switch: A pressure plate block that stays pressed for a specific time. Is crafted with a Clock and Pressure Switch.
- Rusted Pressure Switch: A pressure plate block that can only be pushed whilst wearing the Heavy Boots or Goron Mask. Remains pressed. Is crafted with 2 copper blocks in a pressure plate pattern.
- Timed Rusted Pressure Switch: A timed variant of the Rusted Pressure Switch. Is crafted with a Clock and Rusted Pressure Switch.
- Sky Stone Mural: A dark stone depicting ancient ruins. Can be right clicked to light up.
- Sky Stone Chiseled: A dark stone depicting ancient ruins. Can be right clicked to light up. Time Bricks: These come in all the variants you would expect! Can be crafted with Stone Bricks and blue dye. The variants are crafted exactly the same as their regular Stone Brick counterparts.
- Heart Flowers: No longer delete upon touching. Once the heart has been used it now leaves behind a stem that can be regrown using bonemeal.
- Primo Heart Flowers: The same changes have been applied as Heart Flowers.
- Stamina Fruit: No longer delete upon touching. Once the fruit has been used it now leaves behind leaves that can be regrown using bonemeal. Many new advancements have been added!
- Power Temple Map was not working correctly and has been replaced with a Pillager Outpost map
- Master Sword texture has been updated to be more legendary
- All crafting recipes have been fixed, check out the wiki to familiarize yourself with them!
- Fierce Deity Sword compat with Epic Fight. It's now classified as a GreatSword
- Should no longer crash when used with Artifacts
- Hero's Bow can now be enchanted with books in an anvil
- Champion's Leathers now have a new model
- Bunny Hood has a new armor model
- Majora's Mask should no longer cause conflicts with other mods that add creative mod flight
The long awaited update is finally here!
- Compatibility with Epic Fight! Everything should work like you expect it to!
- A wiki! If you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out if you have any questions
- New Tower Structure. This structure can spawn in Plains, Badlands, Taiga, Deserts, Forests, Mountains, and Hills. There are 6 variations and it is guaranteed to contain an Explorer Map that can lead to a Desert Pyramid, Jungle Temple, Master Sword Pedestal, Courage Temple, Wisdom Temple, or Power Temple. This will hopefully make the game a bit clearer on where to look for things, but still encourage adventure!
- New Graveyard Structure. This structure can spawn in Plains biomes and is a small dungeon. Taking on the appearance of an abandoned graveyard it is said to house a map to an important treasure. There is also a combat room that has a chance to give you a lower tiered mask. Hopefully this makes getting a mask early game a bit easier.
- New Clock Tower Structure. An old abadoned Clock Tower, it looks almost like an impact site. This structure can spawn in Plains, Forest, or Taiga biomes. Down below it contains a Skeleton spawner and some loot. It contains a guaranteed mask deep within. Check the wiki for specifics on loot tables. -Lots of new blocks!
- Eye Switches: These blocks can only be activated by shooting them with a projectile. When activated they will emit a redstone signal. The timed variant will automatically reset after 60 ticks. They can be freely activated in Creative Mode.
- Hammer Pegs: Can only be slammed down by a Hammer! The Copper variant can only be slammed with a Megaton Hammer and when flat emits a redstone signal. Can be popped back up with any shovel or any of the Mitt items.
- Shock Switch: A toggleable switch that can be activated by interacting or attacking it! The timed variant stays active for 80 ticks before resetting. When activated they emit a light strength of 12 and a redstone signal until de-activated.
- -Locked Doors: Two variants here! The Locked Door is iron and is unable to be interacted with unless using the new Small Key item. This item will instantly unlock any Locked Door, completely destroying it. The Boss Door is a golden door that is able to only be opened with the new Big Key item. These for now are a creative only item. -Carmine Froglights: A new red variant of the Froglight blocks. When using the Don Gero Mask you are now able to eat Magma Cubes! They're not very filling though... Advancements: A few new advancements that are based on finding the new structures, interacting with some of the new blocks, and pointing you in the right direction!
QoL: Plenty of bugfixes here and loot table adjustments. Most importantly Pegasus Boots are now findable in Graveyards, Flippers spawn in multiple places instead of nowhere, Zora Mask has a new animation whilst swimming, Deku Leaf has a new gliding animation, Apples can be baked on campfire or in furnaces, and more variations on pre-existant structures. The Sword House and Link's house have a few new variations to keep things fresh!
I uploaded the wrong file for 1.0.5!
This should contain all of the updates that were supposed to be in .5 being...
Master Sword properly degrades when durability is out now guaranteed to become the Injured Master Sword when broken
Mirror Shields are now able to be crafted with the Hylian Shield, a Master Upgrade Template, and Refined Master Ore
Some advancements have been moved into the Mask tabs
Boomerangs render completely different when thrown. They render like you would expect now!
Hawkeye Mask is sold by Fletcher Villagers at Tier 5
Mostly fixes
- Master Sword properly degrades when durability is out now guaranteed to become the Injured Master Sword when broken
- Mirror Shields are now able to be crafted with the Hylian Shield, a Master Upgrade Template, and Refined Master Ore
- Some advancements have been moved into the Mask tabs
- Boomerangs render completely different when thrown. They render like you would expect now!
- Hawkeye Mask is sold by Fletcher Villagers at Tier 5
More bug fixes!
- Some language files were improperly named
- Sword beams weren't dealing proper damage, should work as intended now