A Fabric Minecraft mod that prevents items that players drop from ever despawning. Configure with gamerules playerDropItemsLinger and playerDeathItemsLinger.
Requires Minecraft 1.20.1, Fabric Loader >=0.14.25 and Fabric API.
The mod can be configured by setting the world's game rules "playerDropItemsLinger" and "playerDeathItemsLinger" to either true or false. False is vanilla behavior where items disappear after 5 minutes.
Please note that setting those game rules to false will NOT make all previously dropped disappear! To clean up your world from such items, you need to go approximately where they are (load chunks in the area) and execute these commands for example:
Teleport to self:
/tp @e[type=minecraft:item,nbt={Age:-32768s}] @s
Kill lingering items:
/kill @e[type=minecraft:item,nbt={Age:-32768s}]
LingeringPlayerDrops is licensed under MIT.