Macro Keybinds

Macro Keybinds


Create macro to be more fast

Client AdventureGame MechanicsTechnologyUtility

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Welcome to the Macro Keybinds mod. MacroKeybinds is a mod that allows the user to create macros in order to execute a task faster.

If you encounter a bug, have a question, a suggestion, join my discord:

MacroKeybinds has 3 types of actions:

  • Execute Command
  • Type Message Without Send
  • Send Message

MacroKeybinds has 4 mode:

  • Simple : One press allows the execution of the macro
  • Toggle : A long press allows the macro to be executed every x time
  • Repeat : One press activates a timer that will run every x times
  • Delayed : Pressing this button activates a timer that will run at the end of x times

You can create macros that will be available in all servers.
However you can create macros for each server, useful when you play on more than one server.
You can assign several macros to the same key.

Be careful! Some servers do not tolerate this type of mod. Make sure you don't get banned for cheating! I won't be held responsible for your actions.

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Published a year ago
Updated a month ago