Magnet Command

Magnet Command


Server-side mod that adds a /magnet command so you don't need to take up valuable inventory space for a magnet.

Server EquipmentGame MechanicsUtility

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Magnet Command

This mod adds a magnet command to the game which allows you to pull items towards you.


  • Off (default) - The magnet is not active
  • Range - The magnet pull items within a range towards you (currently 3 blocks)
  • OnBreak - Blocks you break will be directly put in your inventory, if it doesn't fit, the item just drops like normal

The commands

Command Description Permission Node OP level
/magnet Range Set magnet mode to Range magnet.mode.range 2*
/magnet OnBreak Set magnet mode to OnBreak magnet.mode.break 2*
/magnet Off Disable magnet behavior none 0
/magnet info Shows some info about the mod none 0

* can be changed in config


The config is located at /config/magnet-command.json.

Option Description Default value
permissionLevel The default permission/OP level for all modes 2
modes.*.enabled Enable/disable modes true
modes.Range.range The range in blocks for Range mode 3
modes.Range.mode Movement mode for the magnet. Options: Pull, Teleport "Pull"
modes.Range.pullStrengthMultiplier Increase or decrease the pull speed for items 1.0
modes.Range.skipCanPickUpCheck Skipping this check makes it so that items are pulled towards you immediately false
modes.OnBreak.dropLocation Where to drop items if they don't fit in inventory. Options: Block, Player "Block"
modes.OnBreak.includeContainerItems Enable/disable injecting items from containers like chests and furnaces true

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 6 months ago