Maker's mark

Maker's mark


Allows players to place their mark on items they craft

Client and server DecorationEquipment

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Allows players to mark the items they craft by embellishing the tooltip of the item.


  1. Craft a stamp from an iron ingot and two dyes
    crafting recipe

  2. Right-click with the stamp in your hand to open the stamp UI
    stamp ui

  3. Draw tooltip borders and decorations in the stamp UI
    designed stamp

  4. Choose if the stamp should automatically apply to all crafted items (only works for items with durability)

  5. Then apply the stamp by:

    • Craft an item in the regular workbench and it should recieve the tooltip you drew in step 3 (if the stamp is set to auto apply and is in the player inventory)
    • Put the stamp in your main hand and another item in the offhand, rightclick to apply the stamp to the offhand item

    stamped equipment

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 3 months ago