Marium's Soulslike Weaponry

Marium's Soulslike Weaponry


A minecraft mod that adds new bosses and legendary weapons

Client and server AdventureEquipment MobsWorld Generation

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Bug Fixes

  • Added missing translation for Purified Blood fluid block
  • Replaced chungus tonic blacklist with whitelist in config to avoid crashes due to attempting to turn into other mods' entities (new config file called soulsweapons_chungus_tonic_whitelist)
  • Fixed a bug where Glass Vials did not appear in inventory after using a Blood Vial in the first hotbar slot
  • The Withered Wabbajack now looks at the luck attribute of the player instead of luck effect (additionally reworked all it's code)
  • Chaos Crown and Chaos Helmet gives the player value to the luck attribute instead of an effect, this value can be changed in the config



  • Updated fabric loader to 0.16.10 and geckolib to 4.7

New Stuff:

  • Added Dark Moon Greatsword from Elden Ring
    • Apply Permafrost post hit to mobs hit
    • Use ability keybind to give yourself Frost Moon effect
    • While having Frost Moon effect, use the blade to shoot out moonlight projectiles that apply Permafrost
  • Added Frost Moon effect, makes you immune to Permafrost, freezing and powdered snow
  • Made entities inside the freeze_immune_entity_types tag immune to Permafrost and added Frost Giant and Rime Spectre to it
  • Added Purified Blood fluid, standing in it gives regeneration, using glass bottles on it will consume the fluid and give you potion of healing
  • Added Glass Vials, crafted with 5 glass
  • Added Blood Vials, gained by using glass vials on Purified Blood in a cauldron, using it will heal the user instantly by 3 hearts
  • Added new functionality to Crimson Obsidian:
    • Standing on it damages the entity with hotFloor damage type, just like magma blocks
    • If the entity is not a skeleton and the damage was successful, blood is stored in the block
    • When a cauldron is under this block and enough blood is stored, Purified Blood will drip down into the cauldron, filling it up
  • Added Glaive of Hodir
    • Attacking mobs grants stacks of Blade Dance effect
    • Taking damage reduces stacks of Blade Dance by 1
    • At 5 stacks of Blade Dance, gain Resistance 2 and Absorption 3 with 10 seconds cooldown
    • Use the glaive to throw out a spectral glaive, passing through blocks and mobs, damaging and applying 125 posture loss to each mob it flies through
  • Added Blade Dance effect
    • When the effect is added, each stack of Blade Dance increases attack speed and damage of the held “Blade Dance” weapon, only certain weapons are accepted (so far only affects the Glaive of Hodir)
  • Added Moonveil from Elden Ring
    • Use to shoot out a wide horizontal moonlight wave, or shoot a vertical wave if crouching
  • Added Excalibur, crafted with Echo Shards
    • Turn 30% of damage taken into damage to the stack instead
    • Upon taking lethal damage and while holding the sword, there is a 30% chance to negate all damage and cause an explosion instead, knocking back enemies
    • Use to shoot a sonic boom towards your last target hit if within 40 blocks range, else target the closest entity within 16 blocks
  • Changed the model of the Fallen Icon, gave it a changing texture based on the phase and made some of the animations smoother (some timings of the attacks have been changed due to this)
    • Particles will now spawn on the sword instead of around the Fallen Icon itself
  • Added new Fallen Icon attacks and changed some aspects
    • Added boss music (song made by NoRestForWicked), can be turned off with the music volume slider in options
    • It no longer starts the fight with Unbreakable
    • Heavy Swing: Charge up a heavy attack that shoots a large horizontal moonlight projectile. The sword does not have a hitbox here
    • Unbreakable & Repulse: Unbreakable attack has been changed to give shorter Nausea, Slowness and Weakness, and the amplifier of Weakness has been reduced from 2 to 1. This attack no longer only triggers at the start of the fight, it can now randomly trigger throughout. In phase 2, the boss will only do this attack if recently hit by a projectile. The projectile is then “absorbed” (or copied rather), so the next time this attack occurs, an orb will spawn above the target that will shoot out 3 times the amount of projectiles that the boss had absorbed.
    • Archimedean Spiral: The boss will charge up a heavy ground slam which will then cause ruptures outwards in multiple archimedean spirals pattern
  • Trick Weapons can now be made with datapacks
    • Creating a new json file inside soulsweapons/trickweapons/item_mappings.json and listing item ids mapped to another determines what the item will turn into, making it a trick weapon. A “replace” value needs to be specified first (like in tags) which is false by default, setting it to true will disable other trick weapons (including the default ones).
    • An example file looks like this: {“replace”: false, “minecraft:apple”: “soulsweapons:chungus_emerald”} This will map apples to chungus emeralds, turning apples into chungus emerald in game by pressing the switch trick weapon keybind.
    • NB! If you want the custom trick weapons to give you the advancement, then they need to be included inside the trick_weapons.json tag inside soulsweapons/tags/item folder
  • Added Simon’s Bowblade, a trickweapon that switches between a bow and blade form. They both deal increased damage against undead, while the bow has 5 ticks extra pull time (1.2 sec to pull fully) and applies 30 posture loss on entity hit too
  • Added Chungus Emerald blocks
  • Changed Chungus music disc recipe to be a circle instead of all slots filled
  • Moderately Sized Chunguses can now be in an “aggressive state” where their eyes are red, nothing will stop them from attacking you
  • Moderately Sized Chunguses can spawn everywhere as long as a monolith is within vicinity (no longer just forests)
  • Added Chungus bartering
    • Use a Chungus Emerald on a Moderately Sized Chunguses, it will then consume it to give you an item based on a data pool
    • The pool contains lots of useless items with high chances and overpowered items with extremely low chances
    • The chunguses can also pick up the emeralds instead of you having to right click them
    • Trading with them increases the chance for them to turn into Bosnian Big Chungus (based on the meme from r/comedynecrophilia), if in that state it will not give back an item when traded with, has 50 health and will drop 200 experience when killed (chunguses can also randomly spawn in this state with 1% chance)
    • Chunguses in aggressive states will not be able to be bartered with
    • Chunguses has a 5% chance to spawn as a Dream Chungus, they will only barter back between 1 and 8 (inclusive) Blaze Rods or Ender Pearls
  • Added new effect Chungus Tonic
    • If the player has it, Moderately Sized Chunguses will no longer attack you given they are not in an aggressive state
    • If any other entities has it, they will turn into a completely random entity (including projectiles, minecarts, etc) for 15 seconds, then turn back into a regular Moderately Sized Chungus
  • Added Chungus Tonic potion item, splash potion and lingering potion, all can be crafted with different recipes, the tonics will give Haste 3, Saturation and Chungus Tonic effect
    • Potions are crafted with a Chungus Emerald into water bottles, you can right click any entity to make them instantly drink the potion instead of you
    • Splash Potions are crafted with a Chungus Emerald Block into Chungus Tonic potions
    • Lingering potions are crafted with dragons breath into Chungus Tonic Splash potions
  • Invading Forlorn no longer spawn on these blacklisted blocks to avoid overcrowding and awkward spawn positions (such as stuck in trees): Warped Wart, Warped Stems, Warped Nylium, Shroomlight, Crimson Stems, Nether Wart Block, Basalt blocks
  • Nerfed generation rate of Moonstone and Verglas ores
    • Moonstone: Discard on air chance: 0 -> 0.75, min height -63 -> -80
    • Verglas: Discard on air chance: 0 -> 0.75, max height 120 -> 300, ore count per chunk 48 -> 50
  • Added Chungus Staff, gives the user Chungus Tonic effect while in the inventory, using it gives the player speed and haste 3, use it on a Moderately Sized Chungus tames it. Can be acquired through chungus bartering
  • Translucent weapons can be right clicked to turn invisible in third person view
  • Advancements are now datagenned and some got changed to be goals instead of challenges or tasks (this might break progress for them), also added a few new ones:
    • Infuse the Hallowheart
    • Infuse the Arkenplate
    • Craft all the different moonlight weapons (comes before all weapons advancement)
    • Craft the Glaive of Hodir
    • Kill the Warden after crafting the Excalibur
  • Added Frozen Lightning, it will now spawn when Mjolnir and the Leviathan Axe collide. It can be killed after 10 strikes, resulting in a big explosion and additional lighting
  • Soulbound weapons now drop to the ground if the owner dies mid-flight. The soulbound entity is also saved across death and respawn, meaning if you die while it travels back to you, calling it back at your respawn point/after respawning makes it travel to you (despite that link being previously broken in older versions)
  • Dragonslayer Swordspear and Heap of Raw Iron now have the “Dragon’s Scourge” ability, dealing bonus damage to dragons/entities inside the common tag “dragons.json” (damage is done past other calculations and is added flat regardless of attack speed)
  • Monarch of Chaos will now drop a “Recipe Page”, an item that details how to acquire Blood Vials
  • Holy Moonlight Pillars, Blackflame Explosions and Flame Pillars summon way fewer particles and now instead has an entity model

Bug Fixes:

  • Chungus Monolith blocks now drop when mined
  • Soul harvesting weapons harvest dead mobs that died from the sweeping
  • Fixed a bug where this mod would overwrite damage bonuses from other mods
  • Fixed a bug where no cooldown was applied to Bluemoon Shortsword in creative
  • Fixed a bug where disabling parry ability on shields wouldn’t remove the tooltip
  • Night Prowlers Blackflame Snake attack now spawns particles on client instead of server, reducing packet info being sent which caused crashes
  • Fixed a bug where enchants (like smite and sharpness) did not increase the damage of moonlight projectiles
  • Fixed a bug where Mjolnir wouldn’t spawn it’s own share of special effects and lighting when colliding with the Leviathan Axe
  • Fixed a bug causing Soulbound weapons to enter the dead players inventory, therefore disappearing
  • Moonlight/Bluemoon Shortsword now work with controllers when using the Controllable mod
  • (Potentially) fixed EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash caused by different bosses

Config changes:

  • Added lines for Dark Moon Greatsword values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for Glaive of Hodir values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for Excalibur values (damage, attack speed, etc) and a line for if it should inform the player if no target is within range of the ability
  • Added lines for Simon’s Bowblade values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for how much Blood Vials should heal, duration and amplifier of regeneration
  • Added line for whether the ability on Translucent Weapons can be used or not
  • Added attack speed and damage lines for all Translucent Weapons
  • Added disable recipe lines for all Translucent Weapons
  • Added line for whether Chungus Tonics can be used or not
  • Added line for how many ticks should pass until the entity should turn into a Moderately Sized Chungus when affected by Chungus Tonic
  • Added blacklist for entities that other entities affected by Chungus Tonic CANNOT turn into
  • Added lines for Chungus Staff (damage, attack speed, can be disabled, is fireproof)
  • Added line to disable chungus bartering
  • Replaced righteous_undead_bonus_damage line with similar lines for each unique undead bonus trick weapon with name in front instead, for example Ludwig’s Holy Blade has ludwigs_holy_greatsword_righteous_undead_bonus_damage (so each weapon has its own line)
  • Added lines for moonlight projectile damage for each moonlight weapon, in other words bluemoon, moonlight and pure swords no longer use the same config line, they have each their own
  • Changed config lines for _enchant_reduces_cooldown_id to _ids and it will now take in an array of strings instead of just a singular string, meaning you can write as many enchant ids as you want, but only the highest level of them all will still be the only one that counts, not all combined. For example, if the list contains “damage” and “unbreaking” and the items has unbreaking 3 and smite 4, then the cooldown level is 4
  • Added lines for disabling respawn mechanics for bosses (mainly regarding blocks), for example using Demon Chunk on Blackstone Pedestal to respawn the Decaying King. To disable Day Stalker and Night Prowler, disable the use of the Chaos Orb item instead
  • Added line for “Dragon’s Scourge” bonus damage for Dragonslayer Swordspear and Heap of Raw Iron
  • Added lines to disable ground withering effect by the Monarch of Chaos and the Cape of Chaos (chaos_cape_wither_ground and chaos_monarch_wither_ground)

Changelog 1.2:


  • Updated fabric loader to 0.16.10 and geckolib to 4.7

New Stuff:

  • Added Dark Moon Greatsword from Elden Ring
    • Apply Permafrost post hit to mobs hit
    • Use ability keybind to give yourself Frost Moon effect
    • While having Frost Moon effect, use the blade to shoot out moonlight projectiles that apply Permafrost
  • Added Frost Moon effect, makes you immune to Permafrost, freezing and powdered snow
  • Made entities inside the freeze_immune_entity_types tag immune to Permafrost and added Frost Giant and Rime Spectre to it
  • Added Purified Blood fluid, standing in it gives regeneration, using glass bottles on it will consume the fluid and give you potion of healing
  • Added Glass Vials, crafted with 5 glass
  • Added Blood Vials, gained by using glass vials on Purified Blood in a cauldron, using it will heal the user instantly by 3 hearts
  • Added new functionality to Crimson Obsidian:
    • Standing on it damages the entity with hotFloor damage type, just like magma blocks
    • If the entity is not a skeleton and the damage was successful, blood is stored in the block
    • When a cauldron is under this block and enough blood is stored, Purified Blood will drip down into the cauldron, filling it up
  • Added Glaive of Hodir
    • Attacking mobs grants stacks of Blade Dance effect
    • Taking damage reduces stacks of Blade Dance by 1
    • At 5 stacks of Blade Dance, gain Resistance 2 and Absorption 3 with 10 seconds cooldown
    • Use the glaive to throw out a spectral glaive, passing through blocks and mobs, damaging and applying 125 posture loss to each mob it flies through
  • Added Blade Dance effect
    • When the effect is added, each stack of Blade Dance increases attack speed and damage of the held “Blade Dance” weapon, only certain weapons are accepted (so far only affects the Glaive of Hodir)
  • Added Moonveil from Elden Ring
    • Use to shoot out a wide horizontal moonlight wave, or shoot a vertical wave if crouching
  • Added Excalibur, crafted with Echo Shards
    • Turn 30% of damage taken into damage to the stack instead
    • Upon taking lethal damage and while holding the sword, there is a 30% chance to negate all damage and cause an explosion instead, knocking back enemies
    • Use to shoot a sonic boom towards your last target hit if within 40 blocks range, else target the closest entity within 16 blocks
  • Changed the model of the Fallen Icon, gave it a changing texture based on the phase and made some of the animations smoother (some timings of the attacks have been changed due to this)
    • Particles will now spawn on the sword instead of around the Fallen Icon itself
  • Added new Fallen Icon attacks and changed some aspects
    • Added boss music (song made by NoRestForWicked), can be turned off with the music volume slider in options
    • It no longer starts the fight with Unbreakable
    • Heavy Swing: Charge up a heavy attack that shoots a large horizontal moonlight projectile. The sword does not have a hitbox here
    • Unbreakable & Repulse: Unbreakable attack has been changed to give shorter Nausea, Slowness and Weakness, and the amplifier of Weakness has been reduced from 2 to 1. This attack no longer only triggers at the start of the fight, it can now randomly trigger throughout. In phase 2, the boss will only do this attack if recently hit by a projectile. The projectile is then “absorbed” (or copied rather), so the next time this attack occurs, an orb will spawn above the target that will shoot out 3 times the amount of projectiles that the boss had absorbed.
    • Archimedean Spiral: The boss will charge up a heavy ground slam which will then cause ruptures outwards in multiple archimedean spirals pattern
  • Trick Weapons can now be made with datapacks
    • Creating a new json file inside soulsweapons/trickweapons/item_mappings.json and listing item ids mapped to another determines what the item will turn into, making it a trick weapon. A “replace” value needs to be specified first (like in tags) which is false by default, setting it to true will disable other trick weapons (including the default ones).
    • An example file looks like this: {“replace”: false, “minecraft:apple”: “soulsweapons:chungus_emerald”} This will map apples to chungus emeralds, turning apples into chungus emerald in game by pressing the switch trick weapon keybind.
    • NB! If you want the custom trick weapons to give you the advancement, then they need to be included inside the trick_weapons.json tag inside soulsweapons/tags/item folder
  • Added Simon’s Bowblade, a trickweapon that switches between a bow and blade form. They both deal increased damage against undead, while the bow has 5 ticks extra pull time (1.2 sec to pull fully) and applies 30 posture loss on entity hit too
  • Added Chungus Emerald blocks
  • Changed Chungus music disc recipe to be a circle instead of all slots filled
  • Moderately Sized Chunguses can now be in an “aggressive state” where their eyes are red, nothing will stop them from attacking you
  • Moderately Sized Chunguses can spawn everywhere as long as a monolith is within vicinity (no longer just forests)
  • Added Chungus bartering
    • Use a Chungus Emerald on a Moderately Sized Chunguses, it will then consume it to give you an item based on a data pool
    • The pool contains lots of useless items with high chances and overpowered items with extremely low chances
    • The chunguses can also pick up the emeralds instead of you having to right click them
    • Trading with them increases the chance for them to turn into Bosnian Big Chungus (based on the meme from r/comedynecrophilia), if in that state it will not give back an item when traded with, has 50 health and will drop 200 experience when killed (chunguses can also randomly spawn in this state with 1% chance)
    • Chunguses in aggressive states will not be able to be bartered with
    • Chunguses has a 5% chance to spawn as a Dream Chungus, they will only barter back between 1 and 8 (inclusive) Blaze Rods or Ender Pearls
  • Added new effect Chungus Tonic
    • If the player has it, Moderately Sized Chunguses will no longer attack you given they are not in an aggressive state
    • If any other entities has it, they will turn into a completely random entity (including projectiles, minecarts, etc) for 15 seconds, then turn back into a regular Moderately Sized Chungus
  • Added Chungus Tonic potion item, splash potion and lingering potion, all can be crafted with different recipes, the tonics will give Haste 3, Saturation and Chungus Tonic effect
    • Potions are crafted with a Chungus Emerald into water bottles, you can right click any entity to make them instantly drink the potion instead of you
    • Splash Potions are crafted with a Chungus Emerald Block into Chungus Tonic potions
    • Lingering potions are crafted with dragons breath into Chungus Tonic Splash potions
  • Invading Forlorn no longer spawn on these blacklisted blocks to avoid overcrowding and awkward spawn positions (such as stuck in trees): Warped Wart, Warped Stems, Warped Nylium, Shroomlight, Crimson Stems, Nether Wart Block, Basalt blocks
  • Nerfed generation rate of Moonstone and Verglas ores
    • Moonstone: Discard on air chance: 0 -> 0.75, min height -63 -> -80
    • Verglas: Discard on air chance: 0 -> 0.75, max height 120 -> 300, ore count per chunk 48 -> 50
  • Added Chungus Staff, gives the user Chungus Tonic effect while in the inventory, using it gives the player speed and haste 3, use it on a Moderately Sized Chungus tames it. Can be acquired through chungus bartering
  • Translucent weapons can be right clicked to turn invisible in third person view
  • Advancements are now datagenned and some got changed to be goals instead of challenges or tasks (this might break progress for them), also added a few new ones:
    • Infuse the Hallowheart
    • Infuse the Arkenplate
    • Craft all the different moonlight weapons (comes before all weapons advancement)
    • Craft the Glaive of Hodir
    • Kill the Warden after crafting the Excalibur
  • Added Frozen Lightning, it will now spawn when Mjolnir and the Leviathan Axe collide. It can be killed after 10 strikes, resulting in a big explosion and additional lighting
  • Soulbound weapons now drop to the ground if the owner dies mid-flight. The soulbound entity is also saved across death and respawn, meaning if you die while it travels back to you, calling it back at your respawn point/after respawning makes it travel to you (despite that link being previously broken in older versions)
  • Dragonslayer Swordspear and Heap of Raw Iron now have the “Dragon’s Scourge” ability, dealing bonus damage to dragons/entities inside the common tag “dragons.json” (damage is done past other calculations and is added flat regardless of attack speed)
  • Monarch of Chaos will now drop a “Recipe Page”, an item that details how to acquire Blood Vials
  • Holy Moonlight Pillars, Blackflame Explosions and Flame Pillars summon way fewer particles and now instead has an entity model

Bug Fixes:

  • Chungus Monolith blocks now drop when mined
  • Soul harvesting weapons harvest dead mobs that died from the sweeping
  • Fixed a bug where this mod would overwrite damage bonuses from other mods
  • Fixed a bug where no cooldown was applied to Bluemoon Shortsword in creative
  • Fixed a bug where disabling parry ability on shields wouldn’t remove the tooltip
  • Night Prowlers Blackflame Snake attack now spawns particles on client instead of server, reducing packet info being sent which caused crashes
  • Fixed a bug where enchants (like smite and sharpness) did not increase the damage of moonlight projectiles
  • Fixed a bug where Mjolnir wouldn’t spawn it’s own share of special effects and lighting when colliding with the Leviathan Axe
  • Fixed a bug causing Soulbound weapons to enter the dead players inventory, therefore disappearing
  • Moonlight/Bluemoon Shortsword now work with controllers when using the Controllable mod
  • (Potentially) fixed EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash caused by different bosses

Config changes:

  • Added lines for Dark Moon Greatsword values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for Glaive of Hodir values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for Excalibur values (damage, attack speed, etc) and a line for if it should inform the player if no target is within range of the ability
  • Added lines for Simon’s Bowblade values (damage, attack speed, etc)
  • Added lines for how much Blood Vials should heal, duration and amplifier of regeneration
  • Added line for whether the ability on Translucent Weapons can be used or not
  • Added attack speed and damage lines for all Translucent Weapons
  • Added disable recipe lines for all Translucent Weapons
  • Added line for whether Chungus Tonics can be used or not
  • Added line for how many ticks should pass until the entity should turn into a Moderately Sized Chungus when affected by Chungus Tonic
  • Added blacklist for entities that other entities affected by Chungus Tonic CANNOT turn into
  • Added lines for Chungus Staff (damage, attack speed, can be disabled, is fireproof)
  • Added line to disable chungus bartering
  • Replaced righteous_undead_bonus_damage line with similar lines for each unique undead bonus trick weapon with name in front instead, for example Ludwig’s Holy Blade has ludwigs_holy_greatsword_righteous_undead_bonus_damage (so each weapon has its own line)
  • Added lines for moonlight projectile damage for each moonlight weapon, in other words bluemoon, moonlight and pure swords no longer use the same config line, they have each their own
  • Changed config lines for _enchant_reduces_cooldown_id to _ids and it will now take in an array of strings instead of just a singular string, meaning you can write as many enchant ids as you want, but only the highest level of them all will still be the only one that counts, not all combined. For example, if the list contains “damage” and “unbreaking” and the items has unbreaking 3 and smite 4, then the cooldown level is 4
  • Added lines for disabling respawn mechanics for bosses (mainly regarding blocks), for example using Demon Chunk on Blackstone Pedestal to respawn the Decaying King. To disable Day Stalker and Night Prowler, disable the use of the Chaos Orb item instead
  • Added line for “Dragon’s Scourge” bonus damage for Dragonslayer Swordspear and Heap of Raw Iron
  • Added lines to disable ground withering effect by the Monarch of Chaos and the Cape of Chaos (chaos_cape_wither_ground and chaos_monarch_wither_ground)

Changelog 1.1.5:

Config changes:

  • Added config lines for items that have cooldowns for whether the cooldowns can scale down with an enchant, what minimum cooldown should be applied and enchantment id that scales the cooldown down
  • Added lines for whether bosses are fire immune
  • Added lines for whether bosses can break the shield of the player with attacks
  • Added lines for whether bosses are undead or not
  • Added lines for the group type of bosses, taking in a string representing the id of the type, namely: UNDEAD, AQUATIC, ARTHROPOD, ILLAGER and DEFAULT
  • Added lines for bosses that have a projectile immunity ability (Returning Knight, Fallen Icon, Night Prowler) that whitelists projectiles by the id, so by whitelisting arrows, add “arrows” to the list, for moonlight waves from for example the Moonlight Greatsword, it would be “big_moonlight_projectile”
  • Added target max launch power from calculated fall detonation to config for respective items and nerfed target launch height multipliers
    • Comet Spear: 0.35 -> 0.0125
    • Darkin Blade: 0.25 -> 0.04
    • Heap of Raw Iron: 0.25 -> 0.03
    • Featherlight: 0.20 -> 0.025
    • Nightfall: 0.30 -> 0.045
  • Added line for Kraken Slayer Bow’s use action/animation when using, this is because it was using BOW before, but now uses SPEAR, if old model resource packs are enabled then this line should be changed back to BOW
  • Added line for whether ultra heavy weapons can hold off-hand items or not, if set to true, when wielding an ultra heavy weapon, the offhand stack disappears (like with Better Combat)
  • Added line for whether ultra heavy weapons disables shields or not

New stuff:

  • Parrying checks for items in the c:shields.json tag instead of the normal minecraft shield
  • Added korean translation
  • Added spanish translation
  • Changed Kraken Slayer bow and crossbow models and textures to fit how it actually looks in the league universe
  • Added two new built-in resource packs: Legacy 2D Models and Legacy 3D Models, using it changes weapons such as Kraken Slayer bow/crossbow models and textures to legacy ones. NOTE: If these are enabled to enable old Kraken Slayer bow models specifically, then the config line “kraken_sllayer_bow_use_animation” should be changed to “BOW” to use the standard bow use action
  • Renamed “Kraken Slayer Bow” -> “Kraken Slayer Spear Bow”
  • Added a new 3d model for Crucible Sword and 2d texture in the 2d models resource pack
  • Changed textures of Dark Sorcerer, Remnants and Soul Reaper Ghost slightly, essentially merged previous layers and added opacity to Remnants
  • Added armor rendering for Familiar Ghost
  • Added built-in resource pack that adds compatibility with Fresh Animations for biped entities
  • Ultra Heavy weapons disables shields by default

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug where Dragonslayer Swordspear wouldn’t target enemies when using the lightning call ability
  • Fixed bug where mods like Pufferfish would not apply bonus damage to custom projectiles
  • Fixed issue where Invading Forlorn would cause performance issues due to adding Glowing effect continuously to itself
  • Fixed armor clipping issues with Fresh Animations for Dark Sorcerer, Remnants and Forlorn
  • Fixed compatibility with Backslot mod

Forge Exclusive:

  • Fixed Epic Fight mod preventing custom item usages, added custom attack patterns for some weapons and changed “use” animation on weapons that require right click to use an ability
  • With Epic Fight, swords and axes need ALT to be pressed to display info instead of SHIFT
  • Fixed issue where Big Chungus music disc would cut off after 5 seconds
  • Added the mods’ ores to the forge:ores tag


  • Fixed bug where Soulmass was missing it's texture
  • Restricted Projectile Damage Attribute version needed to 3.2.2 since 3.2.3 is unstable and causes a crash


  • Fixed crash due to Leviathan Axe animation being missing
  • (Maybe) Fixed crash when paired with BetterEnd and Sinytra Connector


  • Downgraded required Forge version to 47.1 so it may be compatible with Sinytra Connector and NeoForge


  • Initial forge 1.20.1 release
  • Moonlight Shortsword can now be used with Epic Fight mod

Changelog Forge exclusive:

  • Made compatible with Epic Fight mod
    • NOTE: I was not able to override the block animation greatswords and other weapons have when using the right click ability, but the ability will still work despite the animation blocking the view
    • With Epic Fight mod installed, some weapons cannot be in the offhand, making for example Comet Spears Skyfall ability unusable. Instead of having the item in the offhand, sneaking and using is required instead.
    • For info about weapon abilities, holding ALT is required instead of SHIFT in normal versions
  • Merged texture layers for Remnants, Forlorn and Dark Sorcerers and made Remnants partly translucent
  • Dragonslayer Swordspear ability now targets tameable entities too, as long as they are not tamed


  • Fixed a bug where other players could pick up a players Leviathan Axe and Mjolnir despite him throwing it and returning it (despite the projectiles having him as owner)
  • Fixed a bug where Darkin Scythe Prime attack speed was 1.6 instead of 1 (update config to make it live)
  • Players having Ghostly effect cannot attack (mainly during Umbral Trespass ability)
  • Fixed an issue where Umbral Trespass ability would crash the game at random intervals (too many packets being sent)
  • Added is_fireproof_item config lines for all weapons and armor, determining whether the item is fireproof or not like netherite
  • Fixed a bug where throwing Leviathan Axe did not apply Permafrost to the target hit
  • Added config line prioritize_off_hand_shield_over_weapon which is false by default, set it to true to have the shield being prioritized over the items use ability (like Nightfall smash)


  • Implemented Projectile Damage Attribute mod
  • Changed config lines for bows, crossbows and gun items to represent actual damage dealt instead of bonus damage
  • Added config lines for pull time and max velocity for bows and crossbows
  • Added config lines for damage, velocity, divergence and number of silver bullets needed for guns
  • Buffed posture loss applied by all guns
  • Added config line for posture loss modifier applied to the player by both stagger enchant and silver bullets, silver bullets apply 75% by default and stagger apply 100%
  • Darkmoon Longbow ability config line also represents actual base damage done to entities

Changelog 1.1.4:

New additions:

  • Made all recipes data generated (can now be edited with datapacks)
  • Added a japanese translation (was added mid-way development of update so may not be fully up to date)
  • Added recipe to Forlorn Armor
  • Added set bonuses for all custom armor sets:
    • Soul Ingot: Grants Resistence
    • Soul Robes: Grants Night Vision and Magic Resistence II (unchanged)
    • Forlorn set: Heal a set amount when nearby mobs die (value can be changed in config)
  • Added more translations for weapons that would send the player a message such as the “no bound freyr sword was found” message
  • Added the Ghostly effect, makes the wearer completely invisible (even armor and weapons too) and damage immune, it is granted to the player when using Umbral Trespass ability and when inside someone's soul
  • Added additional tooltip info on Umbral Trespass items (Darkin Scythe Prime and Shadow Assassin Scythe) to inform the player that Umbral Trespass can only target the last mob attacked, and nothing will happen if it is already dead or not in combat with anything
  • Invading Forlorn now spawn anywhere in the Nether as long as it is not on Warped Wart blocks or Warped Nylium blocks. It also is fire immune, but still takes damage when in lava
  • Added damage_over_time effect tag that contains status effects the Life Leach effect will heal you off of if the target has them
  • Added c:ranged_mobs tag that contains mobs that will give the Darkin Scythe blue souls (like skeletons, blazes, ghast, guardians, etc.)

Weapon changes:

  • Galeforce gives cooldown effect on ability usage instead of on item, cooldown time increased from 50 -> 80 ticks
  • Nerfed Pure Moonlight Greatswords base damage from 12 -> 11
  • Bloodthirsty effect now heals the player a reduced amount based on how much the attack speed bar was filled (healing = (base_amount + effect_amplifier) * attackCooldown), it also only heals when wielding a tool item (pickaxe, axe, sword, etc.)
  • Darkmoon Longbow’s Moonlight Arrows can no longer hit Enderman
  • Soul harvesting weapons (Soul Reaper, Forlorn Scythe, Frostmourne) now give more souls if the target is in the c:bosses tag
  • All scythes no longer have custom hold animation/model change

Config changes:

  • All weapons and armor functionalities and abilities can be disabled through the config
  • Added more options in config for Calculated Fall and Ground Detonation event
    • Added cap on expansion
    • Added cap on damage
    • Added base expansion
    • Added expansion modifier
    • Added bonus damage from fall distance modifier
    • Added boolean for whether damage should heal the player
    • Added healing modifier based on damage dealt
  • Added config option for whether Ultra Heavy weapons can give Haste when having Strength or not
  • Added config options for all armor recipes (including Soul Ingot, Soul Robes, Forlorn Armor etc.)
  • Renamed config options with _spawnrate to _spawnweight
  • Renamed config option disable_all_legendary_recipes to disable_weapon_recipes
  • Added config options for total attack speed during rain for Mjolnir and Dragonslayer Swordspear
  • Added config options for all the weapons’ attack speed
  • Added config options for ore generation for 1.19.2 and under (1.19.3 and above uses datapacks for ore generation, so you can change the values by making a datapack yourself)
  • Reduced Invading Forlorn spawn weight from 20 -> 15
  • Added config option for Sword of Freyr to disable or enable friendly fire, changing it will determine if the sword will attack players or not (is true by default)
  • Added config options for whether the player should be informed when an action was successful or not, such as:
    • Attempting to use a disabled weapon
    • Attempting to call back Sword of Freyr without luck
    • Attempting to call back thrown soulbound weapons such as Mjolnir or Leviathan Axe
    • Attempting to use a weapon ability while having the Cooldown effect (only Draupnir spear and Galeforce have some abilities that get disabled by this effect)
    • Attempting to harvest nearby allies into soul harvesting item such as Soul Reaper
    • Whether soul harvest was successful or not
  • Renamed dawnbreaker_ability_percent_modifier to dawnbreaker_ability_percent_chance_addition

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue where Core Beam attack was still being rendered while Fallen Icon was dead
  • Fixed Master Sword issue where you could still use the ability when not at full health
  • Fixed particle issue for Chaos Monarch when teleporting
  • Improved the random spawning of allies for Fallen Icon and Returning Knight and fixed an earlier crashing issue due to the old code
  • Fixed a bug where Magic Resistance effect would only reduce damage from indirect magic damage sources and not both normal magic damage and indirect
  • Fixed bug where bosses spawning in structures would not have accurate amount of health that was determined in config
  • Fixed crash due to particles being called to server to client and back to server again


  • Implemented Ranged Weapon API (since it has no version for 1.20, this will only work for 1.20.1)
  • Changed config lines for bows, crossbows and gun items to represent actual damage dealt instead of bonus damage
  • Added config lines for pull time and max velocity for bows and crossbows
  • Added config lines for damage, velocity, divergence and number of silver bullets needed for guns
  • Buffed posture loss applied by all guns
  • Added config line for posture loss modifier applied to the player by both stagger enchant and silver bullets, silver bullets apply 75% by default and stagger apply 100%
  • Darkmoon Longbow ability config line also represents actual base damage done to entities

Changelog 1.1.4:

New additions:

  • Made all recipes data generated (can now be edited with datapacks)
  • Added a japanese translation (was added mid-way development of update so may not be fully up to date)
  • Added recipe to Forlorn Armor
  • Added set bonuses for all custom armor sets:
    • Soul Ingot: Grants Resistence
    • Soul Robes: Grants Night Vision and Magic Resistence II (unchanged)
    • Forlorn set: Heal a set amount when nearby mobs die (value can be changed in config)
  • Added more translations for weapons that would send the player a message such as the “no bound freyr sword was found” message
  • Added the Ghostly effect, makes the wearer completely invisible (even armor and weapons too) and damage immune, it is granted to the player when using Umbral Trespass ability and when inside someone's soul
  • Added additional tooltip info on Umbral Trespass items (Darkin Scythe Prime and Shadow Assassin Scythe) to inform the player that Umbral Trespass can only target the last mob attacked, and nothing will happen if it is already dead or not in combat with anything
  • Invading Forlorn now spawn anywhere in the Nether as long as it is not on Warped Wart blocks or Warped Nylium blocks. It also is fire immune, but still takes damage when in lava
  • Added damage_over_time effect tag that contains status effects the Life Leach effect will heal you off of if the target has them
  • Added c:ranged_mobs tag that contains mobs that will give the Darkin Scythe blue souls (like skeletons, blazes, ghast, guardians, etc.)

Weapon changes:

  • Galeforce gives cooldown effect on ability usage instead of on item, cooldown time increased from 50 -> 80 ticks
  • Nerfed Pure Moonlight Greatswords base damage from 12 -> 11
  • Bloodthirsty effect now heals the player a reduced amount based on how much the attack speed bar was filled (healing = (base_amount + effect_amplifier) * attackCooldown), it also only heals when wielding a tool item (pickaxe, axe, sword, etc.)
  • Darkmoon Longbow’s Moonlight Arrows can no longer hit Enderman
  • Soul harvesting weapons (Soul Reaper, Forlorn Scythe, Frostmourne) now give more souls if the target is in the c:bosses tag
  • All scythes no longer have custom hold animation/model change

Config changes:

  • All weapons and armor functionalities and abilities can be disabled through the config
  • Added more options in config for Calculated Fall and Ground Detonation event
    • Added cap on expansion
    • Added cap on damage
    • Added base expansion
    • Added expansion modifier
    • Added bonus damage from fall distance modifier
    • Added boolean for whether damage should heal the player
    • Added healing modifier based on damage dealt
  • Added config option for whether Ultra Heavy weapons can give Haste when having Strength or not
  • Added config options for all armor recipes (including Soul Ingot, Soul Robes, Forlorn Armor etc.)
  • Renamed config options with _spawnrate to _spawnweight
  • Renamed config option disable_all_legendary_recipes to disable_weapon_recipes
  • Added config options for total attack speed during rain for Mjolnir and Dragonslayer Swordspear
  • Added config options for all the weapons’ attack speed
  • Added config options for ore generation for 1.19.2 and under (1.19.3 and above uses datapacks for ore generation, so you can change the values by making a datapack yourself)
  • Reduced Invading Forlorn spawn weight from 20 -> 15
  • Added config option for Sword of Freyr to disable or enable friendly fire, changing it will determine if the sword will attack players or not (is true by default)
  • Added config options for whether the player should be informed when an action was successful or not, such as:
    • Attempting to use a disabled weapon
    • Attempting to call back Sword of Freyr without luck
    • Attempting to call back thrown soulbound weapons such as Mjolnir or Leviathan Axe
    • Attempting to use a weapon ability while having the Cooldown effect (only Draupnir spear and Galeforce have some abilities that get disabled by this effect)
    • Attempting to harvest nearby allies into soul harvesting item such as Soul Reaper
    • Whether soul harvest was successful or not
  • Renamed dawnbreaker_ability_percent_modifier to dawnbreaker_ability_percent_chance_addition

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue where Core Beam attack was still being rendered while Fallen Icon was dead
  • Fixed Master Sword issue where you could still use the ability when not at full health
  • Fixed particle issue for Chaos Monarch when teleporting
  • Improved the random spawning of allies for Fallen Icon and Returning Knight and fixed an earlier crashing issue due to the old code
  • Fixed a bug where Magic Resistance effect would only reduce damage from indirect magic damage sources and not both normal magic damage and indirect
  • Fixed bug where bosses spawning in structures would not have accurate amount of health that was determined in config
  • Fixed crash due to particles being called to server to client and back to server again

Project members




Licensed CC0-1.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago