You can hold or toggle zoom using keybindings. You can also toggle between smooth and instant zoom in the config. You can adjust the level of the zoom using the scroll wheel. (You can choose between Linear and Logarithmic in the config!)

Hold Perspective
Toggle your perspective whilst you are holding down a keybinding. This is useful for content creators, and pvp.

Super Secret Settings
Brings back Super Secret Settings! You can add custom shaders and even overlay them over the GUI. (Compatible with Souper Secret Settings Resource Packs)

Super Secret Settings: Screen Renderer
You can render some shaders over the gui, this includes screens such as the title screen. Shaders that use depth or alter the screen in any way will use the game renderer instead.

Textured Entity
You can set a custom texture for a entity, either by naming them or using the random option. You can add more Textured Entities using resource packs!

You can toggle visibility of block outlines, player armour, nametags, players, and the crosshair.

Death Screen Coordinates
Toggle your coordinates on the death screen in the config.

Dirt Title Screen
Toggle the title screen to use the options screen dirt background in the config.