


Survival mode for in-20091223

Client Game MechanicsUtility

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[in-20091223] Survival 1.0


  • Forces the gamemode to be survival.

Make sure you run this mod using Quilt in-20091223!
Modrinth doesn't list this version so we have to list it incorrectly.

How to Install

  1. Goto OrnitheMC's website and download the latest installer.
  2. Select the Show snapshots checkbox. (This may take awhile to reload)
  3. Select in-20091223-1459 as your Minecraft version.
  4. Select your launcher type. You can either select the Official Minecraft Launcher or MultiMC/Prism.
  5. Select Quilt as your Loader type. (This is important, this mod won't work on Fabric!)
  6. Press Install and wait for your instance to be generated.
  7. Add the mclm_survival-1.0+in-20091223.jar file to the instance's mods folder.
  8. Launch and Enjoy!

It's recommended to use -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true in your java arguments.
To fix sounds, follow this tutorial.

It's also recommended to install Save as save fixes a bunch of issues, plus you get to save your worlds.


Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.
This mod has been tested on Windows 10 and 11 (x64 native), and Linux (x64 virtual machine).


Licensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later.

This mod is not affiliated with/endorsed by Mojang Studios or Microsoft.
Minecraft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


mclm_survival-1.0+in-20091223-1.jar(833.6 KiB) Primary Download

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Lead Developer


Licensed LGPL-3.0-or-later
Published 8 months ago
Updated 8 months ago