Dame Fortuna has been completely reworked, no gameplay element of the old fight is here anymore, she also got a new texture, have fun!
Swampjaw has received a light rework (making the fight bearable in melee), it now gets stunned if hit during its charge, bombs drop faster and more reliably, they now have a delay before exploding when touching the ground, and there's also new animations for all that
Bellringer got a new texture, is now summonable pre-Nether (requires Cobbled Deepslate instead of Soul Sand), deals a bit less damage, and the timing on its mid life attack has been tweaked
ADDED: New songs for Swampjaw and Dame Fortuna (alongside appropriate discs, Bellringer's disc also got a new texture)
ADDED: Heads for all bosses, craftable with their respective drops and a head, can be placed or worn
CHANGED: All boss summoning items now state they are single use and also give a rough recommended gear so players can fight the bosses at a more appropriate time
CHANGED: Most curios now display actual numbers in their tooltips
CHANGED: Swampjaw is now first in the creative tab (to reflect the intended difficulty progression)
CHANGED: Depth Star's shockwave is now an area of effect with consistent damage and knockback (depending on charge and increasing with attack damage) instead of an actual explosion
CHANGED: Depth Star attack speed decreased 0.9 -> 0.8
ADDED: New animation when charging the Depth Star's shockwave
CHANGED: Bone Raker and Spectre's Grasp may stack if you have multiple of the same equipped, maybe, Curios internal changed and I'm not sure, that's enough for a version number bump to me tho