Mine Cells - Dead Cells Mod

Mine Cells - Dead Cells Mod


Dead Cells content in Minecraft

Client and server AdventureDecoration MobsWorld Generation

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Mine Cells 1.9.2+1.20.1

  • Updated Gimm1q
  • Introduced a guard possibly fixing a bug causing the client crash due to Value Calculator loading
  • Added a check to make sure the Ramparts fall protection mechanic works as intended
  • Fixed mobs spawning with half HP when some scaling mods are installed
  • Conjunctivius and Concierge now both drop 500 XP when killed
  • Added an experimental version of the cooldown mechanic for Spawner Runes
  • Added a built-in Resource Pack that replaces corpses with animal ribcages, for those who may be uncomfortable with the former

Mine Cells 1.9.1

  • Updated Gimm1q
  • The update fixed a bug that disallowed players from joining servers when some mods were missing (due to nonexisting attributes being referenced in Value Calculators)
  • Fixed advancement hints resetting when they're not supposed to

Mine Cells 1.9.0

IMPORTANT: Moved all config files to config/minecells/ directory

Value Calculators

  • Value Calculators are a custom system that can be used to individually control equations used when calculating some values inside the code
  • For now, Value Calculators have been used in Mine Cells to implement weapon damage calculation
  • These Value Calculator files are located in config/minecells/value_calculators/ subdirectories
  • To override a Value Calculator file, copy any <name>.template.json into <name>.json, and tweak the individual expressions inside
  • Learn more about Value Calculators here: click

Custom bows and crossbows now support some enchantments

Whether an item supports a given enchantment is defined in these tags:

  • minecells:items/bows/accepting_power - by default: all bows
  • minecells:items/bows/accepting_punch - by default: all bows
  • minecells:items/bows/accepting_quick_charge - by default: all bows and crossbows except Quick Bow and Nerves Of Steel
  • minecells:items/bows/accepting_infinity - by default: all bows except Quick Bow, Ice Bow, and Bow And Endless Quiver
  • minecells:items/bows/accepting_flame - by default: all bows except Ice Bow


Added the remaining 15 colors (aside Red) of Ribbon Flags and Large Ribbon Flags


  • fixed a few typos in the Guidebook
  • fixed structures in Mine Cells dimensions breaking with Structurify

Mine Cells 1.8.5

Fixed bugs

  • Arrows growing infinitely large. Now they will just spawn a few particles upon disappearing, instead.

Mine Cells 1.8.4+patch1

Fixed bugs

  • missing Putrid Wood / Stripped Putrid Wood recipes
  • Kill 10 Buzzcutters advancement expected 10 Grenadiers instead
  • Conjunctivius getting stuck after stage change
  • Concierge getting stuck after unloading and loading him again
  • Sewer Tentacles were unkillable with /kill if hidden

Added features

  • Conjunctivius Boss bar now has indicators if there are Tentacles in the boss arena
  • Added REI recipe plugin for Cell Crafter recipes

Patch 1

Fixed REI recipe display not working

Mine Cells 1.8.3


  • Vanilla songs that fit the theme of each dimension will now be playing constantly in the background.
  • This constant music can be disabled in the minecells-client.json5 file, to default to the vanilla music system. (or, if your music volume is at 0% in the settings, it won't play at all).
  • Added ambient sounds (mostly wind) to the dimensions.

Custom Boss Bars

  • Added custom boss bars for the Conjunctivius and Concierge bosses.
  • They can be disabled in the minecells-client.json5 configuration file.

The Cell Holder

  • A utility item that lets you store as many Monster Cells as you want, without them cluttering your inventory.
  • Get a full stack of Monster Cells to unlock the Cell Holder recipe in the Cell Crafter.


  • Added recipes for the custom torches, and for duplicating the custom stone types
  • The Cell Crafter will now properly show that you don't have enough items to craft an item

Mine Cells 1.8.2

  • Updated Gimm1q library (fixed mouse movement behaving weirdly after a screenshake event)

Mine Cells 1.8.1


  • Updated Polish translation by me!
  • Updated Chinese translation by Rad586


  • Fixed shield cooldown bug
  • Fixed Electricity effect crashing the game
  • Fixed Electric Whip and Lightning Bolt not using durability
  • Added proper cell crafter recipes for dimensional runes, and tweaked some other recipes
  • Fixed the game crashing with REI and RER installed
  • Fixed doors getting destroyed by water

Mine Cells 1.8.0

The Cell Crafter

A new crafting station that allows you to craft all sorts of items, gear, decorations etc.

  • You can find the Cell Crafter in the Promenade entrance room or craft it.
  • Opening the GUI will let you select a recipe and craft it, as long as you have the required materials.
  • Some recipes are locked behind various advancements, which are described in the Cell Crafter's GUI.
  • You can use EMI to display the recipes! (REI not supported due to some unrelated technical issues).


13 New Ranged Weapons!

Bows and crossbows - work similar to vanilla bows and crossbows, but each one has a unique twist!
There is one difference from vanilla - all the Bows can only be fired when fully charged!

Name Description Ammo
Multiple-Nocks Bow Shoots 3 arrows at once (consumes all 3!), with a horizontal spread Arrow
Bow and Endless Quiver Like a regular bow with the Infinity enchantment built-in Arrow
Marksman's Bow Deals critical damage if you hit a target far away Arrow
Infantry Bow Deals critical damage if you hit a target up close Arrow
Quick Bow Hold right click to quickly and continuously shoot arrows Arrow
Ice Bow Applies the Frozen effect to the target Ice Arrow
Nerves of Steel Deals critical damage if you release the arrow at the right moment, right after you hear a sound Arrow
Heavy Crossbow The crossbow version of a shotgun. Shoots multiple short-ranged bolts at once in a cone Arrow
Explosive Crossbow Shoots explosive bolts that deal area damage on impact Explosive Bolt

Electric weapons - multiple-use weapons that make use of the Electrified effect

Name Description
Electric Whip Deals area damage in front of you, applying the Electrified effect that spreads to other enemies
Lightning Bolt Lets you focus a lightning bolt attack on a target. Deals more damage the longer you charge it, but using it too long will also harm you!

Single-use throwable weapons - throw to deal damage and apply effects, consuming the item (can be stacked!)

Name Description
Throwing Knife Deals a little damage and applies the Bleeding effect
Firebrands Lights the target block or entity on fire

6 new custom Shields!

These work differently from vanilla shields. They block only part of the damage if you hold them up. They will only block 100% of the damage if you time the parry correctly. If you do, you will also damage the attacker and trigger a special parry effect!

Name Block effect Parry effect
Cudgel Stuns the attacker for a fraction of a second The stun lasts longer
Rampart - Makes you invulnerable for a short time
Assault Shield Makes you lunge forward when used Resets the cooldown of the lunge ability
Bloodthirsty Shield - Applies the Bleeding effect to enemies around you
Greed shield - Has a chance to drop a valuable item when you parry
Ice Shield Slows down the attacker Applies the Frozen effect to the attacker

Crit indicator

  • If a weapon is going to inflict a critical hit, a little red sword icon will appear next to your crosshair.

Conjunctivius' Tentacle improvements

  • The weapon now highlights the block / entity you will latch onto
  • You can only use the Tentacle if a block or entity is highlighted
  • Improved the overall feel of the weapon, tweaked the pulling mechanics
  • The weapon does a bit less damage by default, but does critical hits when you're getting pulled
  • Increased base range to 24 blocks (now configurable!)
  • Added a Better Combat animation
  • Added fall protection to help you with some awkward maneuvers

Mob drops

All Mine Cells mobs will now drop some items when defeated, making them actually worth fighting!

These items can be used to craft weapons, some common useful items and more!

You can also combine an Iron Ingot with some Monster Cells, to get the Cell-Infused Steel.
This material is the primary ingredient for many weapons, and the item used to repair them in an anvil!


  • Improved the dash attack by making it more explosive visually :)
  • Added a few new attack variants and tweaked the existing ones
  • Conjunctivius will now look at her target instead of always at the camera
  • Reduced weird Conjunctivius Projectile position jitter
  • Conjunctivius can now BLINK!


  • Some events now have a screenshake effect! These include the more powerful boss attack and the flint special ability.
  • The screenshake is configurable in the minecells-client.json5 file, as well as the Accessibility menu.
  • The global strength of the effect can also be tweaked in the Accessibility Settings menu.


Client minecells-client.json5

  • Screenshake config, mentioned above, separate for each event

Server minecells-common.json5

  • Added the ability to disable the fall protection mechanic of the Ramparts dimension
  • Added max Conjunctivius' Tentacle distance config (breaks with extra large values :c)

Compatibility & bugfixes

  • Added EMI recipe display for the new recipes
  • Added a workaround for the notorious Sparse Structures mod incompatibility (custom config no longer required!)
  • Removed left-clicking Obelisks activating them, possibly preventing some issues with non-standard attack implementations


Mine Cells now uses my little modding library, Gimm1q! There's no need to download it separately, it's bundled with the mod.

Mine Cells 1.7.4

Fixed a rare bug that caused the game to crash upon entering the Insufferable Crypt.

Mine Cells 1.7.3

Critical bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug that teleported players into the mountains in the Ramparts
  • Fixed a bug that made the player teleport back and forth quickly if they fall in the Ramparts while in a vehicle
  • Implemented a workaround for the Sparse Structures incompatibility
  • Updated structure file format which should make the worldgen a bit quicker


  • Added an option to disable the fall protection mechanic in the Ramparts to minecells-common.json5


Mine Cells 1.7.2


There is now a custom Mine Cells Guidebook item! Patchouli is needed for the book to work, but isn't a required dependency (so, if you don't have Patchouli, the mod will still work, you just won't get the Guidebook!)

  • The Guidebook is granted when you first find a Doorway to the Prisoners' Quarters
  • Alternatively, it can be crafted with a Book and Prison Bricks


  • Small crates can now be rotated based on the player's rotation
  • Added 3 new poses to the King Statue. These can be cycled through by right-clicking the block.


  • Added "jump back" mechanics to Undead Archers, Grenadiers and Sweepers
  • If the player gets too close to these mobs, they will back off to a safer distance

Bug fixes

  • Further prevention of desync issues with Rifts and Doorways, thanks to a new config option
  • Fixed the Ramparts structure sometimes generating into itself

Mine Cells 1.7.1


  • Make sure to reset the dimensions of Mine Cells! Follow the guide here
  • This version has been tested by myself but there may be unknown game-breaking bugs!
    Proceed with caution and please report any bugs and crashes you see either on Github or through my Discord.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed awful rendering issues with Arrow Signs, ELITE names, saplings and Doorways
  • Arrow signs are now broken quickly with axes
  • Fixed still-existing teleport desync issues with Rifts

Mine Cells 1.7.0


  • Make sure to reset the dimensions of Mine Cells! Follow the guide here
  • This version has been tested by myself but there may be unknown game-breaking bugs!
    Proceed with caution and please report any bugs and crashes you see either on Github or through my Discord.

Promenade of the Condemned

  • The Promenade dimension has been overhauled! It has a new layout that is less frustrating to navigate.
  • The primary stone of the Promenade is now the Bloomrock, with its respective Bricks, Tiles and Cracked Bricks variants.
  • Added orange and green (uncommon) trees
  • Added two massive cliffs to the North and South of spawn
  • There is now a clear path to the Vine Rune


  • Mine Cells mobs can now be spawned as "Elites" using NBT data
  • Elites have an additional aura ability and are scaled up slightly
  • Added Elite Obelisks which can be right-clicked to summon an Elite mob
  • The Elite in the Promenade, after being summoned by clicking the Elite Obelisk, will drop a Vine Rune.


  • New Bloomrock block sets (and Bloomrock Wilted Grass Block)
  • New Arrow Sign, to point your way towards important locations (with the possibility to add an item to the sign).
  • Added new Unbreakable Chains.
  • Some Elevators spawned in structures are now unable to be broken with an axe.
  • Green and orange putrid saplings

Tweaks and QoL

  • Updated most block textures in the mod!
  • Doorways now have a cool parallax-ish effect on them
  • Fixed some block entities' animations looking "jagged" on older worlds
  • Added indicators for some not-so-obvious actions (Vine Runes, Obelisks, and more in the future)
  • Tweaked some mob damage, ranges and timings

Techincal - Spawner Runes

  • Bosses are now spawned using Spawner Rune definitions (minecells:boss/concierge and minecells:boss/conjunctivius).
  • Spawner Runes entries can now have custom NBT data to spawn mobs with specific properties.


  • Potential fix for the weird desync bug when you come back from Mine Cells dimensions (to be checked!)
  • Fixed some unbreakable Doorways being... not unbreakable.

Mine Cells 1.6.2


  • Make sure to reset the dimensions of Mine Cells! Follow the guide here
  • This version has been tested by myself but there may be unknown game-breaking bugs!
    Proceed with caution and please report any bugs and crashes you see either on Github or through my Discord.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Conjunctivius and Mutated Bat dash attacks completely missing the player
  • Added slight pitch variations to all sounds
  • Added two missing lang entries to en_us and pl_pl

Mine Cells 1.6.1


  • Make sure to reset the dimensions of Mine Cells! Follow the guide here
  • This version has been tested by myself but there may be unknown game-breaking bugs!
    Proceed with caution and please report any bugs and crashes you see either on Github or through my Discord.

Spawner Runes

Modpack creators can now define attribute overrides for mobs spawned using spawner runes! There's an article in the Wiki for that here

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some blocks getting destroyed by flowing water
  • Fixed missing block drops, models and chest loot tables
  • Fixed Crowbar not working after using an item in the offhand
  • Fixed some blocks' mining speeds being too slow
  • Players will no longer get "stuck" in the Black Bridge
  • Added missing language entries


Major optimization for Promenade tree generation!


  • updated Polish by me
  • updated Ukrainian (some newer stuff missing) by unroman
  • updated Chinese Simplified by Rad586

Mine Cells 1.6.0 - Huge Update!


  • Make sure to reset the dimensions of Mine Cells! Follow the guide here
  • This version has been tested by myself but there may be unknown game-breaking bugs!
    Proceed with caution and please report any bugs and crashes you see either on Github or through my Discord.

New Dimensions


  • accessed from the Promenade of the Condemned
  • is a long segmented wall, with platforms and towers around it
  • has 3 new unique enemies
  • leads to the Black Bridge, through the last tower with a purple stripe
  • Has a unique new mechanic: If you fall from the Ramparts, you will be teleported back up and take a few hearts of damage.

Black Bridge

  • accessed from the Ramparts
  • contains the new boss, The Concierge

The Concierge - New Boss


  • leaps towards the player, dealing damage on impact ( only happens after phase 1 )
  • sends out a large circular shockwave around himself
  • punches the player, dealing damage and knocking them back
  • generates a damaging aura around himself

These attacks get more powerful and faster as the fight progresses.


  • 32 diamonds / emeralds / iron ingots
  • The Flint

New Items


  • The Flint - hold Right Click to charge a shockwave attack, dealing 16HP to enemies in front of you
  • Spite Sword - deals additional damage if you've been hit recently


  • All Mine Cells dimensions now have a doorway item (obtained when breaking the blocks, not craftable)

Dimensional Runes

  • Can be used on a doorway in the Overworld to change it to a different dimension
  • Can only be used if you have visited the dimension before in the doorway's bound area

Concierge Respawn Rune

  • Respawns the Concierge when used on the Concierge Respawn Obelisk


Cracked Prison Bricks variants

  • full block, stairs, slabs and walls


The flags are now implemented in a different way, so each one of them is a different block type.
Your existing flags might disappear because of this!

  • Added 4 new flags:
    • Ramparts Flag - found in the Ramparts
    • Red Ribbon Flag - found in the Ramparts
    • Large Red Ribbon Flag - found in the Ramparts
    • Black Bridge Flag - found in the Black Bridge
  • Flags can now be placed horizontally
    • To do so, place it on the side of a fence
  • Added support for large flags
    • Currently only the Large Red Ribbon uses this fact, but more will be added in the future


  • A portal that can take you back to the Overworld,
  • usually spawning at the beginning of a non-boss dimension or at the end of a boss dimension


  • added Ramparts Torch
  • you can now walk through Big Chains



  • previously available in creative, now spawns in the Ramparts
  • shoots a magic projectile that travels through walls


  • sweeps the ground, sending a flaming shockwave towards the player


  • flies around, bites the player if they get too close


  • Removed one floor from the Prisoners' Quarters to make it less tedious
  • Made underground structures in the Promenade twice as common
  • Added a new Wall structure to the Promenade's perimeter
  • Added a Tower structure next to Promenade's spawn that leads to the Ramparts

Bug fixes and optimization

  • Fixed crash with Fabric Loader 0.15.x
  • Removed some unused code that could cause lag
  • Spawner runes will now spawn as block entities.
    You are able to place blocks "on top of them", which will turn them into entities.
    No more 2000+ spawner rune entities in the world!
  • Fixed a few missing / incorrect crafting recipes


  • added a custom background texture to the Creative Tab
  • added custom textures for mob Spawn Eggs
  • tweaked a few textures
  • tweaked Big Chain models
  • Doorways will now display their bound coordinates when hovered over


  • Added Advancements for the new dimensions and boss
  • Tweaked a few loot tables and weapon / mob attributes
  • You can now sleep in beds in Mine Cells dimensions
  • Might have missed some things because of the scope of the update :P

Mine Cells 1.5.8

  • You can now walk through vertical Big Chains
  • Removed some unused code that could cause lag
  • Optimized a few functions
  • Fixed crash with Fabric Loader 0.15.x

Spawner Rune technical overhaul

  • Spawner runes will now spawn as block entities. You are able to place blocks "on top of them", which will turn them into entities. No more 2000+ spawner rune entities in the world!

Mine Cells 1.5.7

  • Fixed portals in the Promenade sometimes getting destroyed by bushes
  • Fixed items in hand not displaying in Mine Cells dimensions

Mine Cells 1.5.6

  • Fixed missing block drops
  • King statue is no longer broken by water
  • Updated Russian translation (thanks to Tefny on Discord!)
  • Wilted trees' roots no longer dig through unbreakable blocks

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 months ago