Minecraft Auto Ghost Totem
In the minecraft pvp community its generally called a "ghost totem", when you die on a server whilst seemingly having a totem in your main hand. this usually happens due to a bad server connection or just really unlucky timing, but for some reason in the pvp community people use the fact that they "ghosted" as an excuse for their death and argue that it "doesnt count" This mod is able to produce such a "ghost totem" anytime on death.
If you want to look like you ghosted whilst playing crystal pvp, this is the mod for you! This isn't a cheat either, as its only a client side modification and does not send any packets to the server!
- Toggle the mod on or off, enabled by default.
/autoghost <number>
- Set the hotbar slot that the totem is meant to appear in after death. Example: /autoghost 1
Thats actually about it..
A small video that visually explains how to use the mod and how it looks
If you run into any issues, join my discord: https://discord.gg/q8m7bxNaDF
Source code: https://github.com/JanCantCode/minecraft-ghost-totem