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This mod completely overrides the default Minecraft movement (including ladders) and replaces it with an attempt at copying the strafing mechanics from Counter Strike: Source.

A map on our server

In this version there's an official server preloaded into your multiplayer tab with some maps. Please also join the discord: https://discord.gg/hMs97RHEgF

Licensing Info:


The bhop code is a heavily modified version of the code from the BHops mod by SmolMallow on curseforge. You can find the original logic in the LivingEntityMixin class. The code for the speedometer is also taken directly from the mod Squeedometer by squeek502 on curseforge. Please note that BHops uses a MIT license which leaves us free to distribute their code in our own software, and Squeedometer is unlicensed with their own terms that state: "Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means."

This version implements many "essential" features for creating bhop maps and managing a bhop server. You can download a version that just has the movement and config settings here

Requires Cloth Config API, Fabric API. I recommend downloading Mod Menu so you can easily configure the settings.

Here is a list of all the features in the mod:

  • Overrides vanilla movement (including ladders) to be much closer to Counter Strike: Source.
  • Fully configurable settings for the movement logic. (Configs are serverside)
  • Toggleable HUD for showing your SSJ, strafe efficiency, and speed.
  • Nanosecond clientside timer with serverside validation.
  • Automatic personal and world record saving. (World record holders will automatically get the group record_holder if you have luckperms and a group called record_holder created.)
  • Booster pads. (Completely invisible and 0.1 pixels tall, emits particles, and configurable using /booster <x_power> <y_power> <z_power>)
  • Shortened commands for changing gamemodes for server owners. (/gmc, /gms, /gm c, /gm s, etc)
  • Ability to manage maps using "/map manage" and all it's sub commands. (Creating maps, invalidating times, teleporting to, listing, etc)
  • GUI to chose a map to teleport to using /map on it's own.
  • Ability to create start, reset, and end zones using the Bounds Stick and the "/zone" command with all it's sub commands. (This goes in junction with /map checkpoint add, the checkpoint number it prints in chat is what you would use when adding a reset zone, alternatively you can leave that argument blank and it will teleport the player to the map spawn when they enter a reset zone)
  • A replay saving system to view world record replays. (Use /replay add <map_name> to create a replay entity.
  • A spectating system that shows the SSJ and efficiency of the spectated player/replay. (Use /spec <player> or /spec <replay> in order to use this feature)
  • You can turn a map into an arena using "/map manage arena" which will give all the players an instagib gun to ffa with.
  • The ability to toggle visiblity for players, replays, and your hand + status bars. (Use /hide (self, others, replay) to use this feature)
  • If loaded onto a server it will shuffle through a list of motds.
  • You can turn a map into an HNS map using "/map manage hns". Each round is 3 minutes, a seeker will randomly be chosen at the beginning of the round, the round ends when the timer runs out or if all players are caught.

Project members





Licensed ARR
Published 10 months ago
Updated 9 months ago