Miner's Helmet is a simple mod that adds a mining helmet with dynamic lighting. The helmet illuminates dark areas such as caves and ravines, providing better visibility for the player. Zombies in the game can also spawn with iron pickaxes and mining helmets, but this feature can be disabled through the configuration settings.
Latest Updates
- The mod now supports Minecraft 1.19!
- The mobs that spawn as miners now belong to the tag
. The tag has been expanded to include Husks and Zombie Villagers alongside the original Zombie, allowing for more customization. - Added Lucent Support! You can download the Lucent mod here. Lucent provides smooth dynamic lighting and enhances the lighting experience of the Miner's Helmet mod. While Lucent is not required, it offers improved performance and visual effects.
⛏️ Crafting
You will unlock the recipe for the Mining Helmet as soon as you obtain a Lantern. You can craft it as follows:
Light up the deep dark!
Brighten up those dark caverns and rooms in the Ancient City! Warning, this product does not protect you from the Darkness.
Explore the Nether!
Light your way inside the Nether while trying to find Netherite!
Works well in caves
Use this helmet to light your path in dark areas and caves.
Lights up dark underwater areas
Swim with your mining helmet and light your path through dark trenches.
Mobs can wear (and spawn with) it too!
There’s also a chance for mobs to spawn with a pickaxe in their hands. When you slay them, there’s a chance that they will drop their helmets.

Do you want to be able to explore Minecraft’s vast oceans with ease? Try out our sister mod to Miner’s Helmet called, Scuba Gear! Click here to view the project.
🌐 Translate Miner's Helmet - help break the language barrier!
All translators are credited here that have translated the mod to their native languages. Thanks to OneSkyApp, you can translate easily!
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List of translators
Afrikaans (South Africa) translations by: Wendigo44
اللغة العربية (North Africa + Middle East) translations by: Master Z
Azərbaycanca (Azerbaijan) translations by: Esmira
Български (Bulgaria) translations by: Assia
Català (Spain (Catalonia) & Andorra) translations by: Laura P.
Čeština (Czechia) translations by: Blanka S.
Cymraeg (Wales) translations by: Fl3x_X_Placid
Dansk (Denmark) translations by: Louise P.
Deutsch (Germany) translations by: sigy4444
Ελληνικά (Greek) translations by: Rain
English (Canada) translations by: Vamacheron
English (United Kingdom) translations by: MCVinnyq
English (New Zealand) translations by: Jesterguy
Pirate Speak (The Seven Seas) translations by: Phygie
ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (ɯopᵷuᴉꞰ pǝʇᴉuՈ) translations by: Phygie
Español (Argentina) translations by: Fernando
Español (Chile) translations by: Fernando
Español (Spain) translations by: Minaderm
Español (Mexico) translations by: Vamacheron
Español (Venezuela) translations by: Jonathing
Eesti (Estonia) translations by: Airi W.
فارسی (Iran) translations by: Adeleh
Suomi (Finland) translations by: Josasim
Filipino (Philippines) translations by: Minzhire
Français (Canada) translations by: Lachney
Français (France) translations by: Lachney
Galego (Spain) translations by: Minaderm
עברית (Israel) translations by: DayColor
हिन्दी (India) translations by: Obasi, Narayan
Magyar (Hungary) translations by: Erika N.
Bahasa (Indonesia) translations by: Sunu S.
Íslenska (Iceland) translations by: Linda R.
日本語 (Japan) translations by: Vamacheron
ಕನ್ನಡ Kannada (India) translations by: Ganesh
한국어 (South Korea) translations by: Anna K.
Lietuvių (Lithuania) translations by: Kristina P.
Latviešu (Latvia) translations by: Andrejs G.
Македонски (Macedonia) translations by: Milena
Malay (Malaysia) translations by: Haikal I.
Vlaams (Belgium) translations by: Sindarin27
Nederlands (Netherlands) translations by: Sindarin27
Norsk Nynorsk (Norway) translations by: Marie F.
Polski translations by: Asher097
Русский (Russia) translations by: CptIdea
Slovenščina translations by: Jaka
Српски translations by: Katarina
Svenska translations by: Stefan L.
தமிழ் (Sri Lanka) translations by: Namita
ภาษาไทย (Thailand) translations by: Supanat T.
tlhIngan Hol (Kronos) translations by: Fek'lhri
Türkçe (Turkey) translations by: Murat K.
Українська (Ukraine) translations by: Yulia B.
Tiếng Việt (Vietnam) translations by: Tien L.
简体中文 (中国) (China) translations by: 935484425, Gao
繁體中文 (台灣) (Taiwan) translations by: 礦工頭盔
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