
A "mini F3" HUD mod, also with various overlays like light level, spawn chunks, slime chunks etc.

Client Utility

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Basic Info and Hotkeys

MiniHUD is a client-side mod that has various "mini F3" info lines that you can choose from. It also contains a number of "overlay renderers", such as light level, slime chunks, world spawn chunks, structure bounding boxes, region file boundaries, and various shape renderers such as circles and spheres.

You should never put MiniHUD on the server. It doesn't do anything there. Only put Servux on the server.


MiniHUD requires the MaLiLib library mod, as it uses among other things the config system and config menus and hotkey system from malilib. There are no other hard dependencies.

Default Hotkeys

  • The mod's main rendering toggle key is by default H
    • This key turns of ALL rendering in the mod, both info lines and all overlay renderers
  • The in-game config menu hotkey is by default H + C

Warning about the Sphere shape

The sphere shape is currently slightly broken since the mod update for MC 1.18, where the shape generation was rewritten. The sphere is currently slightly crooked at least on one side. See this GitHub issue.

As a temporary workaround you may be able to use the Adjustable Spawn Sphere shape instead, as it uses different generation code. However that sphere is not perfectly symmetrical horizontally vs. vertically due to how the boundary condition works.

Structure Bounding Boxes

The Structure Bounding Box renderer works in single player and on servers that have installed the Servux mod. That mod is required on the server side so that it can send the actual structure bounding box data from the world when MiniHUD requests for it. MiniHUD does not try to simulate and guess things based on the world seed. IMO that would not be reliable, and it couldn't account for changes in world generation during some MC updates.

Slime Chunks Overlay

One common question about the Slime Chunk Overlay is the height. The rendering in MiniHUD does not represent the slime spawning height range! The overlay is just meant to see which chunks are slime chunks.

By default the top y-position of the overlay is put to the player's position when the overlay is toggled on. Note that in older mod versions this didn't happen when toggling the overlay on via the config menu, only when toggling it on using the hotkey.

You can also adjust the top y-position of the overlay by holding down the overlay toggle hotkey and scrolling with the mouse wheel.

Slime Chunk Overlay in multiplayer

Slime Chunk Overlay in multiplayer

If you are on a server, and you want to use the Slime Chunk Overlay, and you know the world seed, you can input the seed for MiniHUD via a regular chat message in the format minihud-seed 12345. MiniHUD will grab the seed from that message and the message will not be sent.

In later game versions (todo: starting from which mod version?) you can also add a slash in front of that string (/minihud-seed 12345), that way it will never accidentally get sent as a chat message. However if you make a typo, then the invalid command will get sent to the server and it will be visible in the server console.

Other Info

Very old mod versions info

For now see the CurseForge project page for information about the very old mod versions (for MC 1.12.2 or older) until that information is moved to a wiki.

Note that this does not mean all mod versions for 1.12.2 are "very old". On the contrary, the mod main development still happens in MC 1.12.2. This means mod versions older than 0.11.0 or even 0.11.0 to 0.13.1 still used some old janky configs and things. Things were modernized and improved when development of the LiteLoader versions started, and especially when the mod started using malilib.

Change logs

The change logs for the old mod releases will be added slowly over time.

Project members






Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 7 months ago
Updated 20 hours ago