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Minitweaks is an extension for Carpet Mod with many small, mostly survival-related features and game mechanic changes
Carpet Rules
- The list of carpet rules can be found on Github, or in-game with
/carpet list minitweaks
- By default, every rule is disabled, but can be enabled with
/carpet <rule name> <value>
Full list of rules (1.5.1):
: All mobs killed by a charged creeper drop their head instead of only onecommandSeed
: Permission level required to use /seeddeathItemsDespawnMinutes
: How many minutes it takes for a player's items to despawn after deathdisableBlazeFire
: Disables fire made from blaze fireballsdisableGhastFire
: Disables fire made from ghast fireballsdispensersBucketMobs
: Dispensers can pick up bucketable mobsdispensersCureVillagers
: Dispensers feed golden apples to zombie villagers with weaknessdispensersDuplicateAllays
: Dispensers duplicate dancing allays with amethyst shardsdispensersDyeMobs
: Dispensers can dye sheep (and shulkers if dyeableShulkers is enabled)dispensersNameMobs
: Dispensers use name tags on mobsdispensersRepairGolems
: Dispensers can repair Iron Golems with iron ingotsdragonBlockDamage
: Set dragon block damage breaking type, regardless of mobGriefing gameruledyeableShearedSheep
: Sheared sheep can be dyeddyeableShulkers
: Shulkers can be dyed. Color can be reset to default using a water bottleechoShardsEnableShriekers
: Using an echo shard on a sculk shrieker allows it to summon wardensfasterOxidation
: Blocks oxidize much faster when touching waterlightningGlowifiesSquids
: Squids struck by lightning convert to glow squids*maxPlayerXpDrop
: Maximum amount of xp players drop on deathmobItemPickup
: Overwrites random default pickup chance when mob spawns. (Only zombie and skeleton type mobs are affected)mobsDropNametag
: Named mobs drop their name tag on deathmoveableWaterloggedBlocks
: Waterlogged blocks stay waterlogged when moved with a pistonnoCreeperBlockBreaking
: Disables creeper explosion block breakingnoFeatherFallingTrample
: Prevents farmland from being trampled if you have feather fallingnoGhastBlockBreaking
: Disables ghast fireball explosion block breakingnoSnowGolemMelting
: Prevents Snow Golems from melting in hot biomesnoVillagerWitchConversion
: Villagers don't convert to witches when struck by lightningphantomSpawningTime
: Amount of ticks before Phantoms start having a chance to spawnquickHarvesting
: Right click crops with a hoe to harvest and replant*removableCurses
: Curses are also removed when using grindstones or repair craftingrenewableDragonEgg
: Dragon eggs will always be placed on the portal after defeating the dragonrenewableRawOres
: An anvil landing on Iron/Gold/Copper blocks turns them into the raw ore block versionshaveSnowLayers
: Snow layers can be shaved, removing one layer, when right clicked with a shovelslimeLooting
: Bigger slimes spawn more smaller slimes when killed with looting. Additional slimes can be up to as many levels of looting as you have (up to +3 with looting 3, etc)vexesNerf
: Vexes will start to die after the evoker that summoned them diesvillagersAlwaysConvert
: Villagers will always convert to Zombie Villagers when killed by a zombie, even on easy and normal difficultyvillagersExplodeBeds
: Villagers cause explosions when trying to use beds in the nether or end, like players
Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 4 months ago