Mobs brain upgrades

Mobs brain upgrades


This mod adds some new behavior on certain mobs to make them smarter and more challenging

Client and server Game Mechanics Mobs

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This mod adds some extra behaviors for mobs that make them smarter, the goal is to increase the difficulty of the game by making entities stand more of a chance against the player rather than simply increasing stats.

This mod is highly configurable and allows to disable / enable nearly all features as well as extend them to other entities that arent from the mod all using a config file.

Also check this mod out in Curseforge!

Feature list

  • Zombies will now break blocks in their way to the player
  • Zombies will place blocks under them if the player is above a pillar or a high platform

Note: Blocks placed by zombies will automatically remove themselves after there are no zombies nearby to use them, no need to clean them up manually!

  • Spiders will shoot webs to players that are too far for them to reach, slowing them down
  • Endermen will attempt to avoid fighting players who are under a 2 block high ceeling
  • Skeletons will attempt to flee from a player whos too close.
  • Skeletons will attempt to dodge arrows
  • (DISABLED BY DEFAULT) Creepers will explode against walls
  • Creepers have a chance to become "Stalkers". There are two methods of stalking Normal Stalkers and Reverse Stalkers
    • Normal stalkers will become invisible and stand still & become invisible when the player is looking at them and advance forward when not being looked at.
    • Reverse Stalkers will rapidly sprint towards the player when looked at, but otherwise remain invisible and still awaiting their oportunity.
Extra behaviors
  • Iron golems will attempt to jump to reach their target
  • Wither skeletons can break blocks at a slower rate than zombies
  • Villagers may run towards iron golems and call them for aid when hurt
  • Skeletons have a 50% chance to swap to a sword to attack the player when up close

All behaviors can be disabled and enabled in the config

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the team over at MCreator for making this all possible.

Future ideas / to-do list

  • ????

If you want to support me, you may donate to my Buy me a coffee page, any kind of support is welcome but not necesary.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 3 months ago