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- Release
- No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
- List is empty.
- Added supports of setting dynamic machine level.
- Added supports of modifying geckolib animation speed.
- Fixed In world preview rendering error.
- Fixed compatibility with the Create-6.0.0 (force require create version [6.0.0,))
- Fixed Machines that produce/store PnC pressure never export it.
- Fixed Ingredient Candidates are linked between a base recipe and its copies.
- Fixed crash when the machine is facing to the up or down.
- Refactor the mek heat to the temperature.
- Fixed MBDRecipeJS#inputEU will output EU.
- Fixed Crash while insufficient slot is filled.
- Fixed PNCHeat doesn't work
- Fixed mek chemical tooltips disappear in JEI.
- Fixed Occasional crashes inside of ChunkMixin#onAddingBlock
- Fixed ability to set negative pneumatic craft temperature for the recipe condition
- Fixed fluid tank compatibility with the latest version of Gregtech Modern
- Added environment transfer / adjacent transfer to the Mek Heat Trait.
- Added Jade support
- QoL Being able to change recipe ids (create and copy)
- Bump up ldlib to fix jei compat issue.
- Fixed incorrect default recipe ui id
- Fixed heat/Temp/RotationCondition doesn't check all parts.
- Fixed unable to set recipe to pneumatic craft air, always reverts back to pressure.
- Fixed looping sounds do not get stopped.
- Fixed ingredient Candidates are linked between a base item entry and its copies.
- Fixed Error in Recipe Viewer UI Slot Datas when more than 10 of a same type of slot are present.
- Added the ability to shuffle through variations of a defined sound.
- Fixed
cannot share
part doesn't work as a recipe handler.
- Fixed duplicate slot names will cause a crash.
- Fixed auto builder consuming items preemptively (thanks to @andriihorpenko)
- Fixed typo in langs (thanks to @andriihorpenko)
- add auto io for machine-self and part-proxy
- cap: item, fluid, forge energy, gtm energy, mek chemical, mana, ember
- fix kubejs state machine (thanks to @andriihorpenko)
- fix pnc temperature condition / mek heat condition doesn't work
- fix proxy part breaking drops
- fix proxy part breaking duration
- fix block tag predicate (thanks to @andriihorpenko)
- fix op permission for mbd2 commands (thanks to @FalAut)
- add / fix lang files (thanks to @FalAut)
- add temperature condition for PNC recipe
- add held item for events.
- fix pnc heat trait won't transfer heat
- better text display
- fix existing recipetype project can't set fuel recipe view
- double-click to select all blocks with the same predicates.
- fix aura trait crash in some cases.
- fix pnc pressure trait wont accept air.
- improve forge energy bar.
- add pnc heat trait.
- complete fuel recipe ui panel..
- Trait recipe handling io can be BOTH now.
- Bump up ldlib.
- Add Search Component for proxy recipe selection.
- Add the geckolib glowing layer for emissive rendering.
- Add proxy supports for mbd2 recipetypes.
- Add XEI supports for fuel recipes.
- Add more events related to the fuel handling.
- MachineFuelBurningFinishEvent
- MachineFuelRecipeModifyEvent
- fix waterlogged crash previous projects while clicking with a bucket
- make previous custom data to check the machine nbt instead.
- add waterlogged supports
- add more block properties
- forceSolid
- no particle
- replaceable
- rework the
to allow a trait to provide multiple capabilities
- add spark attachable to the mana trait
- add redstone signal condition
- add redstone signal feature (signal/direct signal, analog signal)
- you can set output signal by the node graph and kjs
- add method to modify recipelogic runtime data
- fix kjs events (onRecipeModify => onBeforeRecipeModify + onAfterRecipeModify)
- fix recipetype project doesn't show up the correct icon
- fix canceling recipe event doesn't work
- bump up the ldlib for QoL
- add the day light condition
- fix item trait with slot size doesnt process recipe
- fix multiblock doesn't assembly with candidates in some cases
- add kube js events
- fix dedicated server crash while loading the kinetic machines