Nemo's Ambience

Nemo's Ambience


Nemo's Ambience aims to make Minecraft feel more alive!

Client Decoration

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Nemo's Ambience


This mod brings leaf particles to all leave blocks,
aims to make Minecraft feel more alive, and will be extended over time.

Join my Discord

I love to create mods for Minecraft and wish to live off it one day, so I hope you like what I do.
Either way feel free to give me your feedback and suggestions, either on my Discord or the discussions :)

For more information check the wiki.

ko-fi donation

Adding Falling Leaves Particles to Your Leaves (1.21.2+)

If you want to add the particles to your leaves block, just add your block in the block tag "drops_falling_leaves". This must be under data/nemos-ambience/tags/block.

Note: This works best with grey textures, since the color will be set within the particle. I'll adapt this in the future to make it work better with other textures.

Get a Minecraft Server

Looking for a Minecraft Server? Check out BisectHosting!
Use my code Nemo404 to get a 25% discount on your first month with any of their gaming servers.

By using my code, you'll also be supporting my work as a Minecraft modder, helping me to pursue this passion full-time. Thank you!

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Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 3 months ago