


A Light, Quality of Life Fabric Mod for Minecraft, inspired by TCC & Quark!

Client and server AdventureMagic

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This version adds a few fixes to the mod!


  • Fixed the Vampiric Staff having infinite durability
  • Significantly reduced Duck Spawn Rate, delete the Config to fix it, or decrease it manually

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version adds a few fixes to the mod!


  • Fixed the $tickClockAndCompass crash permanently.
  • Added embers to fire!

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version adds a few fixes to the mod!


  • Created a better config, neutrino.json
  • Updated to 1.18.2

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes compatibility with Better Nether


  • Fixed compatibility with Better Nether

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version changes a config option


  • Updated to 1.18.1
  • Changed a config option to make trees have solid or non-collision leaves.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes a bug and adds a new Config option


  • Fixed the Alarm Clock not resetting to morning wake uptime when broken.
  • Added the ability to make Player Placed leaves in the world become solid.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes a bug and updates to the newest Fabric Loader Version


  • Fixed the Alarm Clock waking people up at night.
  • Updated to Fabric Loader 0.12.12 because of the Log4j Bug.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes bugs, and updates to 1.18!


  • Added the Paradise music disk, planned for both 1.17 and 1.18, but released here first.
  • Fixed the Config not generating in the config folder, will now be under config/neutrino/neutrino.conf & neutrino-dungeons.conf!
  • Fixed Alarm Clock Recipe.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes bugs and is the last update to 1.17!


  • Added the Paradise music disk, planned for both 1.17 and 1.18, but released here first.
  • Fixed the Config not generating in the config folder, will now be under config/neutrino/neutrino.conf & neutrino-dungeons.conf!
  • Fixed Alarm Clock Recipe.

Note: All future versions of the mod will be in 1.18! Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib

This version fixes a feature and adds a new one!


  • Made Tanzanite only spawn from 10000 blocks or farther.
  • Added the Alarm Clock, pick when you want to wake up!

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds a new ore!


  • Added an ore, Tanzanite! IT spawns very rarely in the world, and has enchantment particles around it.
  • Made Furnaces and Blast Furnaces have Enchantment Particles if you hold Tanzanite Crystals.
  • Added Tanzanite Crystals, the equivalent of raw Tanzanite, smelt in a furnace or blast furnace to get Tanzanite Gemstones!
  • Added Tanzanite Gemstones, a gemstone to create Jeweled Armor.
  • Added Jeweled Armor, Combine Tanzanite Gemstones and Diamond Armor to get it! Protective against the Potion Effects, but weak against Fire.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds a few features!.


  • Added a command, soullevel to set the soul level of your Minecraft Dungeons Items.
  • Added a special skin for the rat if you name it a special name!
  • Added a Config File for the Minecraft Dungeons Items, currently messes up the Minecraft Dungeons Group if you remove the lightning rod.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version fixes a mixin.


  • Fixed the MilkBucketItemMixin conflicting with Other mods, such as Requiem.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds lots of Features!


  • Removed the Chipmunk Collectible and replaced it with the Alpaca Collectible, Tradable with a level 5 Cartographer for 40 Emeralds.
  • Added the Snake Poison Effects, Snake Fangs, and Antivenom. Antivenom cures you of Snake Poison, Snake fangs are used to make Antivenom.
  • Added Gravity to the Sand & Gravel blocks.
  • Changed the Datura Essence Texture and made it apply to every item.
  • Added Empty Dropper Bottle, used to make Antivenom and Datura Essence.
  • Added the bonsai tree, craftable with a pot and oak sapling!

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version fixes the Desert Serpent, and adds the Chipmunk Collectible!


  • Fixed the Desert Serpent sounds.
  • Added the Chipmunk collectible, more will come soon and will eventually become tradable.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds the Desert Serpent!


  • Added the Desert serpent, a snake that slithers under the sand and bites you in deserts.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version fixes the Red Sun event and adds the Datura Blade!


  • Added Datura Blade, a poison knife found in Jungle temple's and repairable with Datura Essence.
  • Made the Red Sun event better by making the enemies spawn around you, not in a single block and added creepers to it.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds broken Clocks and Compasses


  • Added Broken Compasses and Clocks, When you load the game, it has a chance to break between 1~ to 20 minutes.

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

This version adds a new feature!


  • Added burning in deserts, if you are above ground in a desert and are not in water around noon, you will start to burn! (Make sure to delete the neutrino.conf so you can generate a new one with the ability to disable the feature!)

Note: Suggestions to the mod and pull requests are highly encouraged! Note: The Mod requires GeckoLib [FABRIC]

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago