No Hat For Da Ground

No Hat For Da Ground


Prevents items with custom model data from being placed- Da ground no need yo hat!

Client or server DecorationSocialUtility

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Stop turning your hats into pumpkins!

This prevents you from placing items with the CustomModelData NBT tag/component. All those fancy hats and stuff that you make out of carved pumpkins and resource packs won't be placed on the ground any more! It'll work server side, client side, or both.

For Server Owners

When installed on only the server side, the items appear to be placed for a brief moment on the client side. Players will not get "lag back."

Requires Fabric API for versions <= 0.0.2.

For Modpacks

You can add this to your modpack as long as it's still hosted on Modrinth.

Questions and Contact

Ports: Make an issue on GitHub to request a version port. I won't port loaders.

Questions? Either make an issue or ping @skycatminepokie on the Fabric Development Discord server. Enjoy!

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 6 months ago