No More Underwater dismount

No More Underwater dismount


This very tiny mod disables underwater dismount on most animals

Client and server

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This very tiny mod disables underwater dismount on most animals (Doesn't work on boats.)


Q: The animals and I still drown? A: That is because this mod doesn't remove drowning

Q: Does the server needs to have this mod? A: Yes.

Q: Can I have the source for the mod? A: The entire code for the mod is small but it took a bit of time to find what I needed for it to work, here it is:


@Mixin(LivingEntity.class) public class MixinLivingEntity { @Overwrite public boolean rideableUnderWater() { return true; } }

Q: Why does this not work with boats? A: Because it doesn't.

Q: This mod is small, why not include it in some bigger tweaking mod? A: That would require creating more tweaks and I don't actually have any other ideas for small tweak I would need yet.

Q: Does it integrate with other mods? A: Maybe, I only tested it with Dragon Mounts: Legacy and it worked well enough.

Q: Is it incompatible with other mods? A: Likely not.

Q: Please port it to [Mod loader] [version] A: You can do it yourself if you really need to, however I will port it if a bunch of people ask me. (And it takes less than 5 minutes to get mixins working, so I am probably not porting it to 1.8)

Q: I found a bug in the mod. A: The what now?

Project members

Antarctic Gardens

Antarctic Gardens



Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago