


Improves play experience on large multiplayer servers.

Client OptimizationUtility

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Noxesium is a client-side mod that adds additional features for servers. It also slightly improves fps when playing on large multiplayer servers such as MCC Island.

The mod is developed by Noxcrew and contains certain features specifically intended to improve the experience on the MCC Island server and for participants of the MC Championship event. The mod will also work on other servers.

📜 Changes

Noxesium adds more ways for servers to modify the client. Some examples of things it lets servers do:

  • Create responsive interactable speed boosters & launch pads
  • Use player heads in text messages
  • Play custom sounds with many extra features and effects
  • Change the colors of guardian beams and end crystals for light shows
  • Tweak the behavior of riptide tridents to make them more usable in multiplayer games
  • Prevents toggle sprint/sneak from resetting on death (can be configured)
  • Allow rendering off-hand maps as a UI element

And specifically on MCC Island, Noxesium allows other client mods to receive information from the server about where you are or what is happening in your current game. This allows these mods to integrate better with the server.

🐛 Bugfixes

Noxesium also fixes various small client bugs that relate to multiplayer servers.

  • Fixes jittery behavior of teleporting entities on mounts
  • Fixes MC-256850 so moving piston walls don't flicker as much while moving
  • Fixes MC-259812 so entity models are properly visible behind text displays

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago