


Enable AFK mode without keeping your computer on. Use /offline to spawn a copy of your player. If your offline player dies, you'll die but still have time to retrieve your stuff. If the offline player survives, you'll inherit its gains upon return.

Server Utility

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This mod allows players to go AFK on a server without leaving their computers on. Simply use the /offline command to spawn an exact copy of your player, called an offline player. Depending on the configuration, you'll be kicked after the offline player has spawned.

If the offline player is killed, it won't drop loot but will be kicked from the server. When you rejoin, the inventory and XP levels from the offline player are copied to you, and you'll be killed. This gives you time to retrieve your items.

If the offline player survives until you rejoin, its inventory and gained experience will be transferred to you.

How to Use

Type /offline to spawn an offline player.


You can add actions to your offline player. Available actions include:

Name Description
attack Player left click
break Player left click, but wait for block to fully break.
place / use Player right click
crouch Player crouching
jump Player jumping
eat Player eating (only if hungry & having food in one hand)
drop_item Drops an item from the active slot
drop_stack Drops all items from the active slot
move_forward Moves the player forward
move_backward Moves the player backwards
disconnect Automatically disconnects the offline player after a set interval

To use an action, type /offline [action], e.g., /offline attack.

Tip: use /offline actions to see a list of available actions


You can execute actions with set intervals or offsets:

  • Interval: /offline break:20 (20 tick or 1 second interval between breaking blocks)
  • Offset: /offline attack:20:10 (10 tick offset added to the action)

Time Parsing

Besides using ticks (the default), it is also possible to set the interval and offset to milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and even days.

Example: /offline use:100ms, /offline attack:1s, /offline attack:1.5m, /offline eat:0.25h, /offline disconnect:1d


You can chain actions, for example:

  • /offline attack move_forward
  • /offline attack:100 jump eat:20:10
  • /offline jump:20 attack eat move_backward

Actions are executed in the order specified.


After initialization, the configuration file is located at config/OfflinePlayersReworked.json in your Minecraft server's root folder.

The configuration looks as follows:

  "opRequired": false,
  "autoOp": true,
  "autoWhitelist": false,
  "autoDisconnect": true,
  "killOnDeath": true,
  "respawnKickedPlayers": true,
  "informAboutKickedPlayer": true,
  "copySkin": true,
  "databaseLocation": "./offlineplayersreworked/",
  "offlinePlayerPrefix": "[OFF]",
  "availableOptions": ["attack", "break", "use","etc..."]
  • opRequired: If true, only OPs can use /offline.
  • autoOp: If true, offline players of OPs are automatically made OPs.
  • autoWhitelist: If true and whitelist is enabled, offline players are auto-whitelisted. (Default value is false at it doesn't seem necessary)
  • autoDisconnect: If true, players automatically disconnect after using /offline. (Use false at your own risk)
  • killOnDeath: If true, players automatically die upon reconnecting if their offline player died.
  • respawnKickedPlayers: If true, offline players automatically respawn on server restart when kicked
  • informAboutKickedPlayer: If true, if offline player was kicked and player rejoins, player will be informed about offlline player being kicked
  • copySkin: If true, offline players copy the original player's skin.
  • databaseLocation: Folder location for the database. Default is ./offlinePlayersReworked/.
  • offlinePlayerPrefix: Sets the prefix for the offline player.
  • availableOptions: A list of the available action options that can be used.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue on our GitHub repository. To create an issue:

  1. Go to the Issues tab of this repository.
  2. Click on "New Issue".
  3. Choose between "Bug report" or "Feature request" template.
  4. Fill out the template with as much detail as possible.
  5. Submit the issue.

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Licensed CC0-1.0
Published 7 months ago
Updated 3 months ago