One Key Miner

One Key Miner


This mod adds the ability to chain tools to break blocks while sneaking. As long as one block is destroyed, adjacent blocks are destroyed together.

Client and server Utility

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This mod adds the ability to chain tools to break blocks while sneaking. As long as one block is destroyed, adjacent blocks are destroyed together.



  • /onekeyminer screen - Displays the mod's screen.(Only works in singleplayer and on LAN servers and only for the player who open the LAN server)
  • /onekeyminer limit - Displays the current limit.(Default: 64)
  • /onekeyminer limit <limit> - Max amount of blocks that can be mined with one action.(Don't set it too high)
  • /onekeyminer <AXE|HOE|PICKAXE|SHOVEL|SHEARS|ANY> list - Lists all blocks that are currently in the tool's list.
  • /onekeyminer <AXE|HOE|PICKAXE|SHOVEL|SHEARS|ANY> <ADD|REMOVE> <block> - Adds or removes a block from the tool's list.
  • /onkeyminer interact - Displays the current interact is enabled or not.(Default: false)
  • /onkeyminer interact <true|false> - Enables or disables the interact.Some of the blocks can interact, such as Grass Block, it can use Hoe to turn into Farmland or can use Shovel to turn into Path.

Legacy Version

  • /onekeyminer screen - Changed to /onekeyminer-screen
  • Don't have the /onekeyminer-screen command in 1.7 and below.
  • The block id is not subdivision, it is a whole, such as minecraft:log, not minecraft:oak_log etc.

Custom Key(⚠️Singleplayer only)

The mod will be activated when the custom is pressed

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Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 months ago