This mod introduces a new hammer tool, along with crushing recipes for all ore blocks and raw ores, providing an increased yield. Perfect for early-game resource gathering.
The Crushing Hammer
Start by crafting the Crushing Hammer with some copper and a bit of iron. It has 74 durability and can be repaired on an anvil with copper ingots, putting your surplus copper to good use.
Ore dusts
Using the Crushing Hammer, you can break down ingot-type ores into Raw Ore Dusts, a valuable byproduct for further processing.
Raw Ore Dust can be smelted or blasted into ingots, effectively doubling the base output:
Gems and other ores
Other ores also have crushing recipes, with diamonds and emeralds capped at double the base output for balancing purposes.
Special recipes
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For this mod to ease the early game grind without being overpowered, the Crushing Hammer's outputs are capped at a yield equivalent to Fortune II.
This allows Fortune III to stay relevant, due to it still having the better average yield.
All custom textures used (if any) are either created by me or have a license that allows modification and distribution.
I make every effort to comply with project license obligations and to always credit the original owners. If you believe your name is missing from the credits or if you decide to change your project's license, please contact me.
- Just Hammers (GNU License) for the hammer texture.
- Tech Reborn (MIT License) for the dust textures.
This mod has no dependencies.
JEI is recommended for recipes but not required.
Add the .jar mod file into your mods folder.
Alternatively, you can browse the Modrinth launcher for the mod (if it doesn't show up, try typing the autor's name). Once found, click "Install" to add it to your modpack.
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