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Particle Interactions v0.6

This update includes a couple of new particle effects and a lot of bug fixes.

! IMPORTANT ! : If you are updating from an older version, you may have to reset the config for some of the new features to work properly!

General / QOL Changes

  • Separated the performance settings into two groups
    • Added render distance settings for particles added by this mod
  • Hovering over lists in the config menu shows the resource location of the block/fluid in a tooltip
  • Block tags can now be entered into block lists in the config menu by prefixing them with a #. Note that these will only autocomplete correctly when in a world, and the exact blocks they contain can change when different mods or datapacks are installed

New Particles

Block Particle Overrides

  • Added a new Flower Petal override (applies to cave, weeping, and twisted vines and most vanilla and modded flowers by default)

Block Interactions

  • Added block rustling particles, these are particles that can spawn when walking, jumping, or sprinting through certain blocks. By default, this applies to most natural vegetation and crop blocks

Block Ambient

  • Furnaces now emit amber and spark particles instead of the vanilla flame particles when smelting. This can be toggled in the config menu
  • Blast furnaces emit spark and ember particles when smelting
  • Smokers now emit large smoke particles when smelting

Entity Particles

  • Added a dust effect when interacting with item frames and glow item frames

Fluid Ambient

  • Lava now has a bubble popping effect that can appear randomly
  • Bubble streams can now spawn randomly underwater (currently only spawns from seagrass blocks, better config is planned for this future)

Block Particle Override Changes

  • The Grass Blade particle effect should now apply to all vanilla and modded crops. It now also applies to vines by default

Graphical Changes

  • All particles added by this mod that are coloured based on the block texture (grass blades, flower petals, etc) now pick a random pixel from the texture. This also respects the biome tint for that block if it has one


  • Leaf, grass blade, and similar particles should no longer get stuck midair or on the underside of blocks
  • The dirt particles when placing or breaking grass blocks no longer fly off in random and unnatural directions
  • The dirt particles when mining a grass block are now the correct size
  • Redstone interaction particles can now be disabled
  • Ember particles no longer get stuck on ceilings
  • Fixed an incompatibility with Figura

Particle Interactions v0.5

This update includes some texture changes, new particle effects and block particle overrides, and some bug fixes and additional performance config options

! IMPORTANT ! : If you are updating from an older version, you may have to reset the config for some of the new features to work properly!

This version will not be backported to older minecraft versions

New Block Particle Overrides

The Biome Leaf override has been removed and replaced with the Pine Leaf and Generic Leaf overrides, which have new textures

  • Pine Leaf (applies to birch leaves and spruce leaves by default)
  • Generic Leaf (applies to oak, dark oak, mangrove, acacia, and jungle leaves by default)
  • Redstone Dust (applies to redstone, redstone blocks, repeaters, comparators, and redstone torches by default)
  • Block Shatter (applies to nether portals by default)

Graphical Changes

  • The texture for the Snowflake block particle override has been updated
  • Grass Blade, Heavy Grass Blade, Pine Leaf, and Generic Leaf block particle overrides are now tinted with a random colour from the block texture (this also takes the biome colour into account), instead of an average colour
  • Sparks now spawn a small steam and play a fizzle sound when entering water

New Particles

Block Interactions

  • Falling blocks now emit particles while falling and when landing
  • Some redstone components (including comparators, repeaters, and redstone dust) now emit red dust particles when interacted with

Block Ambient

  • Fire and campfires now emit small ember particles in addition to spark particles

Config changes

  • Added a few more performance options to disable some particles from spawning extra particles (such as spark flashes)
  • Added an option to collapse lists in the config menu by default


  • Leaf and grass blade particles will now always stop spinning when they have landed
  • Leaf and grass blade particles now have a limit to how fast they can spin, and will spin slightly slower on average
  • Port v0.4 to 1.21.4
  • Added a new Pale Oak Leaf Block Particle Override that applies to pale oak leaves and pale oak saplings by default
  • All other changes in v0.4 are available in this version

This version is not stable and may crash!

  • Initial port to 1.21.4

Known issues

  • Opening the config menu crashes the game no longer relevant if you have the right version of yacl

Particle Interactions v0.4

v0.4 includes a bunch of new particles, some graphical improvements, and a bit of extra polish

New Block Particle Overrides

  • Dust (applies to sand, gravel, sus sand, sus gravel, concrete powder, soul sand, and soul soil by default)
  • Heavy Grass Blade (applies to hanging roots, pale hanging moss, cobweb, and tripwire by default)
  • Moss Clump (applies to moss and moss carpets by default, only in the 1.21.3 version)
  • Pale Moss Clump (applies to pale moss and pale moss carpets by default)

Graphical Changes

  • Item / Block Particles (these are the vanilla block breaking and food eating particles) are now pixel consistent. This means that they no longer have thin or inconsistent edges, and the pixels in the particle texture should match the size of surrounding pixels more closely. This can be disabled through the config menu, as with every other feature in this mod.
  • Sparks have an additional "flash" effect that can appear randomly
  • Sparks are now coloured with a texture instead of hardcoded colours
  • Soul Sparks no longer have a weird purple tinge
  • Sparks now get less emissive as they age
  • A block item that has been given data to make it edible will now show the particles from the respective Block Particle Override. For example, eating sand will show the dust particles

New Particles

Block Interactions

  • Sparks when combining items in an anvil
  • Sparks when disenchanting or combining items in a grindstone

Item Interactions

  • Dust particles when brushing blocks that don't have block particle overrides. Can be changed in the config to use the v0.3 behaviour or to disable brushing particles entirely. The speed of particles when brushing certain blocks has also been adjusted to more closely match the vanilla brushing particles

Entity Particles

  • Sparks now spawn from blazes randomly and when hurt

New Config Tab

A new general / compatibility tab has been added. This tab includes a few new options and some options that were previously hidden:

  • Pixel consistent item/block particles, mentioned in the Graphical Changes section
  • Particle Z-Fighting fix, This feature has been in the mod since v0.1, but now you can disable it if you wish!
  • Advanced Particle Physics, Allows you to disable some physics calculations to slightly improve performance
  • Some additional debug settings that were accessible by holding ctrl while opening the config menu in v0.3
  • small patch to fix the config screen on yacl 3.6.0 and above on 1.21.1
  • use v0.3 of this mod if you are on 1.21.2 or 1.21.3
  • Updated the fabric.mod.json to depend on any fabric loader version greater than 0.16.0 instead of the latest

Version 0.3 includes a few features including:

  • 1.21.3 support
  • Smoke and fire particles are emitted when lighting a block with a fire charge
  • Grass blade particles have been added and apply to grass blocks, grass, tall grass, and hay bales by default
  • Block Particle Overrides now apply when sprinting on or breaking a block. (previously only applied when placing or breaking blocks)
  • Sparks when crafting an item in an anvil (this is disabled by default as it will be improved in a future update)
  • Better mod compatibility, there should hopefully be less crashes and incompatibilities with other mods


  • The Blocks config tab has been renamed to Block Particle Overrides to better describe what it does
    • Block lists are now collapsed by default. To expand them, click the arrow on the left
    • Block Particle Overrides have been refactored to hopefully allow custom overrides to be added by other mods in the future
    • To disable block placement or breaking particles, you must now set the Max particles when block placed / broken option to 0 instead of using an on/off toggle
  • The Block Ambient config tab has been renamed to Block Interactions / Ambient
  • Config for underwater bubble particles has been moved to the Block Interactions / Ambient tab

Bug fixes

  • Block placement particles now show up where the block was actually placed, not where the player clicked (for example when bridging with scaffolding) #10
  • Underwater bubble particles now always show even if the block shouldn't spawn normal placement or breaking particles #9
  • Blocks such as nether portals, candle cakes, potted flower pots, etc now once again have particles when breaking them #7

Version 0.3 includes a few features including:

  • Smoke and fire particles are emitted when lighting a block with a fire charge
  • Grass blade particles have been added and apply to grass blocks, grass, tall grass, and hay bales by default
  • Block Particle Overrides now apply when sprinting on or breaking a block. (previously only applied when placing or breaking blocks)
  • Sparks when crafting an item in an anvil (this is disabled by default as it will be improved in a future update)
  • Better mod compatibility, there should hopefully be less crashes and incompatibilities with other mods


  • The Blocks config tab has been renamed to Block Particle Overrides to better describe what it does
    • Block lists are now collapsed by default. To expand them, click the arrow on the left
    • Block Particle Overrides have been refactored to hopefully allow custom overrides to be added by other mods in the future
    • To disable block placement or breaking particles, you must now set the Max particles when block placed / broken option to 0 instead of using an on/off toggle
  • The Block Ambient config tab has been renamed to Block Interactions / Ambient
  • Config for underwater bubble particles has been moved to the Block Interactions / Ambient tab

Bug fixes

  • Block placement particles now show up where the block was actually placed, not where the player clicked (for example when bridging with scaffolding) #10
  • Underwater bubble particles now always show even if the block shouldn't spawn normal placement or breaking particles #9
  • Blocks such as nether portals, candle cakes, potted flower pots, etc now once again have particles when breaking them #7

Project members




Licensed CC-BY-NC-4.0
Published 6 months ago
Updated 11 days ago