Pebble's Lootcrate
Pebble's Lootcrate mod for Fabric Minecraft version 1.19.2, 1.20.1 and 1.21.1
Make sure you have Fabric Language Kotlin installed!
If you would like to convert your configs from AdvancedCrates to Pebble's Crate, I have written a converter that will help speed up the process a little bit, it can be found here along with a crate config creator/editor (WIP):
Go to source:
Feel free to drop me a star on Github :)
Come try out the crates on one of the servers I manage :) IP:
For all admin commands, if you have LuckPerm installed, the following is required:
Available Commands
/padmin crate
Displays all available crate in the config and lets you grab a crate transformer/crate key
/padmin getcrate <name>
Get a crate transformer
/padmin givekey <player> <amount> <cratename>
Gives cratekey to a specific player
How to use?
After installing the mod, you may navigate to /config/pebbles-crate/crates
or create the folders then create a file, for example example.json
You may use the follow example as reference for the structure:
"crateName": "Vanilla Items Crate",
"screenName": "&6Vanilla Items Crate",
"crateKey": {
"material": "minecraft:tripwire_hook",
"name": "&#FFBF00Vanilla Key",
"lore": [
"&#FFDC73• Opens a Vanilla Items Crate"
"prize": [
"name": "?BC5DDiamond",
"material": "minecraft:diamond",
"amount": 1,
"nbt": "{species:\"cobblemon:bulbasaur\",aspects:[\"shiny\"]}",
"commands": [
"give {player_name} minecraft:diamond 1"
"broadcast": "&6{player_name} &fhas received {prize_name} &ffrom {crate_name}",
"messageToOpener": "&6[Pebble's Crates] &f&lYou got {prize_name} &f&lfrom Vanilla Items Crate",
"lore": [
"Chance of getting the drop: {chance}%"
"chance": 40
"name": "&rElytra",
"material": "minecraft:elytra",
"amount": 1,
"commands": [
"give {player_name} minecraft:elytra 1"
"broadcast": "&6{player_name} &fhas received {prize_name} &ffrom {crate_name}",
"messageToOpener": "&6[Pebble's Crates] &f&lYou got {prize_name} &f&lfrom Vanilla Items Crate",
"lore": [
"Chance of getting the drop: {chance}%"
"chance": 5
"name": "&rGolden Apple",
"material": "minecraft:golden_apple",
"amount": 1,
"commands": [
"give {player_name} minecraft:golden_apple 1"
"broadcast": "&6{player_name} &fhas received {prize_name} &ffrom {crate_name}",
"messageToOpener": "&6[Pebble's Crates] &f&lYou got {prize_name} &f&lfrom Vanilla Items Crate",
"lore": [
"Chance of getting the drop: {chance}%"
"chance": 55
Note that the mod supports legacy formatting (e.g. ?BC5D, &4, &f, &r) as demonstrated in the example.
- Admin UI for editing the loot in-game
- Better/more error handling
- Finish writing todos