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Mecha Solider PLASTAR

Made for ModFest 1.21 badge

This mod adds tiny mechas that can do your work for you. The mechas are assembled from individual parts that can all be painted in a variety of patterns and colors.

Getting started

A sappy acaia tree

To begin your journey, find yourself a sappy acacia tree in a nearby savanna. Using a tree tap, you can harvest the sap from the logs by clicking on them, giving you styrol. The sap will slowly regenerate, but this ability will dissapper if you break the log without Silk Touch.

You can smelt the styrol in a furnace to turn it into polystyrene. After that you can create a part printer and add your polystyrene to the left slot of it. Then you can select the part you want to make and take it out. You can also add in an additive, such as redstone into the right slot. Additives change the properties of the plastic, changing the stats of the part.

Mecha assembler UI

Once you've printed some parts, go ahead and craft a mecha assembler. The mecha assembler combines your parts into a proper mecha. You'll need at least a head, a torso, one of each arm, and one of each leg. You can also optionally include a backpack. You can shift click in items to ensure they go into the correct places.

After taking out the mecha from the assembler, you can place it by using it on the ground. You can pick your mecha up again by sneak-clicking it. The mecha won't currently do anything besides wander around and look pretty, but in the future they'll be a powerful automation tool.


This mod is still in early beta, and is missing a lot of the features that'll make it fun and useful. Here's a short list of things we still plan on adding:

  • A block to paint mecha parts
  • A way to assign jobs to mechas
  • Different stats for different parts
  • More additives

Project members












Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago